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Everything posted by Crampknees

  1. And a .0001% discount at the Trump Store, after you buy the membership.
  2. Quieter and easier to catch them when they scatter.
  3. lol, good stuff. I currently have some obvious illegals working in the yard next door. Should I open fire? What would a member of Larry's Revolutionary Guard Corps do?
  4. That photo there looks like he ate Uncle Bosey and the salmonella is kicking in.
  5. Now that you mention it, it was the Dems back in the day that likely helped him not get convicted. He owed so much money they just settled on pennies on the dollar and looked away. The deep state could have easily convicted him of crimes long ago. I could sell it though and go in there proving to be unbiased just waiting to convict, just like some MAGA's could do the same just waiting to acquit. The cult will just go to their X-boxes for answers and they will never be happy no matter what.
  6. Have you ever thought about coloring your thoughts, like Branco does. You are truly one of the great orators of our times and to be honest, Branco is famous and he has nothing to say. Think of the possibilities and chance for fame and fortune. Now run, go start coloring.
  7. It's saluting at full Stormy. Some reason all I see are her tits in my face now.
  8. People who are afraid to come out from behind their X-box and put down the X-files get all tough and shit. Stay under your X-rock where you belong.
  9. Larry is indeed there. Top photo, right under the stars and stripes with the Jarhead cut. Why is everyone there so much taller than him? Thankfully the impending big CW coming up there are no height restrictions.
  10. Is Obama lights wife named Mike and have a dick?
  11. I don't trust anyone named Bibi and their last name ends in yahoo. He seems like another grifter to me. Is he a champion of the MAGA's? I need to know which side to get on.
  12. That is going to a lot of detail just for MTG. Color a steaming turd and it would have been easier.
  13. Looks like they did the right thing and bypassed the ankle surgery and drilled holes in your head to drain the canola.
  14. Jared Kushner's investment firm.
  15. You couldn't offer that guy a mask to put over his eyes with all those in your trunk?
  16. I blamed it for my knee acting up again.
  17. It was pretty easy to pick Larry out of this lineup. He seems to be enjoying it the most.
  18. Like The Rock, I also like pie.
  19. Jay likely has a pretty good set up where he is at.
  20. I thought you lived up there in a toolshed middle of nowhere. Your dogs need to learn to fend for themselves or set some squirrel traps.
  21. It's been ever since Blarg told me I wear a tutu.
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