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Posts posted by starving

  1. Considering I've lived on four continents, not particularly. But SoCal is a hell of a lot nicer than Texas in all ways.


    Part of it is that a four bedroom, 3,500 square foot house with a pool within 15 minutes of the city center is attainable by most professionals in the DFW area. The ~house in SoCal is probably $5M. The biggest trade-off is the weather. ...and I love LA, but slightly less than San Diego. But we're talking about a guy who makes $20M a year, so yeah, I agree.

  2. Did you guys see the entire press conference? I'm not sure if it's online, but they played the whole thing during our rain delay. There were several times where I was shocked by his belligerence with the reporters. Several dead-eyed "next question" and "I already answered that". One reporter asked him if he knows why the Angels FO thought he wasn't being accountable and he said he doesn't know why they would say that. At one point they asked if his acknowledgement of the "baseball town" comment was an apology to the fans, and it was like physically impossible for him to directly apologize. He also looks very pale and his burn-out eyes (which he's always had) seemed to be in full glory.


    He had that whole thing on a tee to say the right things, sincerely or not, and he couldn't do it. It's really something to behold. All that said, I just have a feeling he's going to be thrive in this situation. It's just how his tiny brain works. He has to be treated like an 18 year old - where his emotional maturity was stunted. The Angels, in exchange for the huge contract, expected him to behave like an adult. 

  3. I don't get why Texas would want him back after not making a genuine effort to re-sign him, and the comments he made on his way out.


    It's weird that I'm excited about this. Let's face it, there's nothing interesting about the 2015 Rangers. One way or another, this will make it interesting at least. I'm just hoping you guys have to take Elvis or Choo as part of this deal. ...and we can get Dennis Rodman to coach third base.

  4. Agreed.  In fact, if anything, I'd argue that in a lot of cases, people who "lean on religion" in cases like this are the ones most likely to have relapses, since "leaving it to God," etc. basically removes any personal responsibility and growth from the equation. 


    This is the winning answer. The other edge of this sword is blaming "demons" for bad decisions. ...and I'm not dismissing the power of addiction. It is real and it's tough, but I can't imagine beating it unless you're very pragmatic about it. I just don't think he has the mental firepower to understand that.

  5. Yeah, I think Hamilton is a cancer too. Several people mentioned that he's at least an average player, so you're getting something out of him. ...but that's projecting his averageness over a full season (and the chances of him playing more than 100 games are pretty slim). So he's a part time, average player who sucks all the air out of the room.


    If he got a kick out of the DFW and Anaheim fans he'll wet his pants laughing about the fans in Queens.


    *but, there's a chance that he'll get one of those new NutraSystem blenders, call Miss Cleo, and get some of those magnetic thread bracelet things and show up in February in the best shape of his career.

  6. People need to remember that there is no reason to dislike him PERSONALLY.  You may dislike his performance for our team, but has he kicked your dog?  We need to not make it so personal.  


    I think he does care what the fans think of him, and he cares a lot. ...but his emotional maturity is that of a 15 year old boy. He thinks smirking, dismissing criticism, and acting unaffected makes him look cool. And that makes it so much worse.


    I never thought he was a great human being, regardless of his very public demonstrations of piety, but he was an incredible player. ...but his raw ability allowed him to be a superstar without really learning his craft. He's a guy that exists on muscle memory and reflex. Those aren't attributes that age well, especially in the absence of the ability to make adjustments.


    Many of us thought that the turning point for him was the 4 HR game against Baltimore in 2012. It was as if opposing pitchers realized that they just couldn't throw him strikes AT ALL or he'd punish them. ...so that's what they did. They tried to give him unintentional intentional walks and he couldn't stop flailing. That changed the book on him and he has never recovered. Even his body language changed from predator to a guy who looked like his at-bat was forfeit once he got down in the count. I'm curious if you guys see that same thing. I haven't watched enough of his games as a Angel to see it, but in the few I have seen it's been the same.

  7. Hey, that's cool. The Rangers had a historically awful season, but I'm not the type that gets all wound up about it. I was pulling for the worst record in baseball so we'd get better draft picks, but they even failed me on that. ...and you guys will probably never feel a baseball pain as bad as our Game 6. I've got the thousand-yard stare. If it makes you feel better, pull up the video of Freese's double over Cruz. I can't watch it, but it'll probably give you a good laugh. :D

  8. I understand pulling for his recovery story, but let's not give him too much credit for the things he's trying to overcome in his personal life. These are all things he did to himself. He was an incredibly gifted human being who (almost) completely squandered his gift with a total lack of self-control. This isn't a kid who was stricken by cancer or something.

  9. I know, HATE is a strong word but this guy...

    My cousin, the Cubs fan, was begging for the Cubs to sign him and of course I did nothing but tell him what a loser Josh was. Not shockingly, like any true (psycho) sports fan I jumped up and down when we signed him.

    Between his awful Spring and even worse season, his responses to the media are actually making me sick. He needs to stop living in the past because I truly don't care how many home runs he has unless they are in that days game in an Angels uniform.

    We've all heard that's he's a cancer and a problem and seem to be seeing it in live action right now. I honestly cannot stand him.

    As a person, I'm sure he's a nice guy but as a baseball player he is absolute crap right now and honestly seems to care very little if at all.



    I'm just curious, but what is your standard for calling someone a "nice guy"? For example, would someone who becomes a millionaire at the age of 18 on the back of his physical gifts, then becomes a crack junky and gets covered head to toe in tattoos. Then finds "god" and becomes a redemption story. Then becomes a prima donna, cheats on his wife publicly twice, and finds a way to deflect any responsibility for his own behavior (like, for example, the "devil"). Also, he actually has two-way conversatoins with jezis in his head (both parts are being played by Hamilton's own defective brain).


    Is Allen Iverson a "nice guy" too?

  10. Yep Yu Darvish is a fantastic pitcher. My nephew works as a trainer for Texas and Yu Darvish showed up with 9 different pitches at his first spring training. They had to figure out which pitches to eliminate. That's why there was an adjustment period for him. Super talented pitcher.



    I don't know if I count Darvish the same was as a normal FA signing. He's awesome, but the japanese players are a little different.


    I'd agree that Beltre and Fielder are the two in recent memory who have turned out great, among mostly terrible busts. I can, obviously, speak to the Beltre deal in more detail than most of the others, but he's been a steal for us. I don't know if it's obvious to opposing teams, but that guy is a badass all the way around. He's the team leader and he's funny.


    When he was with other teams I always thought he was like a headcase with a bad attitude because of the way the freaks out when people touch his head and his low-cocked cap that hides his eyes. ...but when you see him every day you see that the head touching thing is HILARIOUS. He has some kind of psychological tick obviously that makes it really agitate him when people touch his head, so everyone does it on purpose and he smacks the hell out of them. They all start laughing at the same time though. Elvis says if you want to get spanked really hard try to touch his head. It really makes us see how lucky we were with Beltre when we see so many of these horrible FA signings.

  11. Has Hamilton had the opporturnity to spread the word about his faith lately though? I know in spring training he and Pujols were playing a game where they'd exchange bible verses. Maybe, in the search for something positive, the focus could be shifted from baseball to Jesus.  :)

  12. To Josh's defense he probably was smarter than Texas fans. Be right back I'm going to head to RangersAlmostWonTwice.com and see how they feel about ex-Angels and claim not to be butthurt.


    Actually that's not true. While a large percentage of Rangers fans and Texans are quite dumb (as evidenced by the fact that George W Bush receives cheers when shown on the jumbotron and the majority voted for Governor Rick Perry), Hamilton is even dumber. In almost any comparison with a modern human being who does not require 24-hour assitance, Hamilton will prove to be the dumber of the two.

  13. As a Texan, I'm going to disagree with you. There are plenty of things to dislike about Texas, but there are a lot of things to love about it. The silliness I hear from Californians about Texas and the silliness I hear about California from Texans are eerily similar.

    Also, Rangers fans that come over to this site and act like absolute tools like this "starving" numbnutz are hardly representative of most Ranger fans. Almost all of my baseball loving friends here are Rangers fans and they're all great. My guess is that guys/ladies like starving are emboldened by the anonymity afforded to them by the nature of message board structure. I would bet starving would be cool to catch a game with, but for some reason or another can come on this board and act like a childish dbag. It's the nature of the internet.



    Go wade through my posts and find me trolling. I've only ragged on Hamilton because he deserves to be ragged on. I'm not really an enemy. I think most of you guys are pretty funny. Find one example of me making an ad hominem attack on a poster at AW or saying anything derogatory about anyone except Hamilton. My favorite thing about the situation the Angels find themselves in is that it's the situation that Hamilton has made for himself.


    This is kinda like if Bernie Madoff had gotten away and some of the people he scammed followed him to his new country club to tell everyone.

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