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Posts posted by RePLAY

  1. i dont agree with the OP.  To say that any other manager will have an identical record is just as crazy as saying it might be different. 

    The Angels are getting their hits…it might be little decisions as when to bunt or which match ups should take place.  All I know is that we’ve under achieved for the past 3 years and it’s definitely not JUST the players ESPECIALLY when everyone and their mom has the Angels going to the World Series.

  2. I have the EVO and it is the best phone I have ever had.  That being said, I am thinking of ditching it in 22days when I am due for an upgrade for the iPhone 5.


    Here's the deal with the htc EVO - bloatware and LOTS of it.  It only has 500MB which is nothing for a phone already.  Over 100Mb is dedicated to crap apps that never in my wildest dream would I use on my phone (ie; Nascar, Kindle, Sprint Football live, Blockbuster, Nova, etc)  I am constantly having to deinstall apps just to reinstall the updates.  As far a battery goes for it - juice defender works great and I just recharge every night.


    Ever consider getting the Nexus?

  3. Lol Chris Bootcheck

    The more I think about the more i like Blanton start. He had 3 bad pitches. Other than that he was ok. We faced the reds in a hitters park. Heck CJ pitched the same way last night if not worse. The reds never really got hit after hit off blanton. It wasnt like they batted around. Here's to hoping he cleans up his act a little bit.

    Ya call me nuts


    sup nuts. ;)

  4. I don't post here much (or at all) but I like to keep up with Angels baseball.  This is pretty funny though, so if your mostly negative and don't mix in a little "optimism and cheer" you will get the boot or banned?  Maybe I am missing the mark because I was not in the chat...I hope there is more than meets the eye here because it would seem strange to see this coming from an admin.  just my .02


    LOL..can we get an IP check?

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