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Everything posted by martinpa25

  1. And you wonder why people want sosh gone...I have no idea why cowgill didn't steal nor aybar bunted...
  2. Geez this blowpen sucks at everything...they cant even throw a ball to first base properly
  3. Well he needs to go with his best men in the crucial gamedeciding situations...not the 100.00 era idiots
  4. And this is why Scioscia should be fired..his retardedness in bullpen management
  5. Why did jepshit come in instead of smith in a one run game in the 9th?????
  6. **** this dipshit...I've had it with this piece of shit ass bullpen
  7. To bad the guys in the middle wont bring him in
  8. alright..b.s to the side..whats the benefit if there is one..about not having surgery on this?
  9. To be honest i thought it was a decent crowd..i think the attendance was mid 30's...
  10. We hope it doesn't dictate the next 160 chuck but it sure is something to be concerned about...game 1 and 2 is exactly as important as 161 and 162
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