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Everything posted by moccasin

  1. HIs pitch framing appears to be terrible as well. According BP research, from 2007-2011, he has saved -30 runs with his pitch framing. I assume he is still bad at this art. Jose Molina is a +73, Jeff Mathis is a +19. http://www.baseballprospectus.com/article.php?articleid=15093
  2. Would love to see more of these type of games.
  3. Except, TB scored 7 runs. Damn, you never post anything insightful.
  4. Thank you, he deserves some recognition.
  5. I already admitted that I wasn't watching the team on defense as closely. I watched 19 innings yesterday, give me a break here.
  6. OK, I admit I wasn't watching the whole game closely enough. The 0-2 fastball is an effective pitch, but maybe not in this situation.
  7. So are you saying he should have thrown an obvious breaking ball that fools nobody, risk a WP or hang one, and wait till it's an even count? Fastball wasn't a bad call. You have to throw it sometime. If you can't locate it 0-2, you won't in other counts as well.
  8. I agree except that I don't like Trumbo and Kendrick hitting next to each other. Makes it too easy late in the game for the opposing manager to bring in a slider throwing righty in. Anybody but Kendrick in the 5 spot.
  9. Low and inside, the one place you can't throw to Moss. Dagger.
  10. You mean fire Butcher right? If he was still on the Angels, he would have probably sucked.
  11. It does seem like the Angels prevent runs better with him behind the dish. I think he calls pitches better than Iannetta. IMO, Iannetta seems way too passive in where he sets up.
  12. Batting average is so overrated. Angels are 7 for 24 = .291, but can't even advance to third base.
  13. But we have the best batting avg in the league!
  14. Wow, third DP for Morales. Thanks for the love!
  15. If you can't pitch low and outside to lefties, you don't belong in the big leagues.
  16. It wasn't a bad pitch though. The bigger problem is the pitch count.
  17. Darvish himself said his favorite was 5:35 against VW.
  18. Funny how AJ causes so much trouble. His existence is a disgrace.
  19. Why don't we ever put on the shift like the Rangers and A's do? 3 guys on the right side would have turned it into an out.
  20. Darvish is a great pitcher and we should have went after him. He's only getting better and CJ will get worse.
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