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Everything posted by rageous

  1. Ward is playing himself out of the right field job. Just when it seemed like he has turned the corner and has become productive.
  2. Last 7 days he's hitting .176 .263 .176 439 to match his shittiness for the season to go along with his terrible defense. Is that better tdawg87
  3. This might be the worst loss of the year so far. They could have gotten that much closer to a wildcard spot with A's losing and all other teams ahead of them losing. They should have knocked out Gonzales early and they let him hang on and Rengifo with his terrible defense. And then Maddon brings in the pitcher with the highest ERA on the team with runners on base and a tied game in the 8th.
  4. As I was saying the starting rotation is at least decent now since they got rid of Bundy and Quintana but they badly need help in the bullpen. They need minimum 2 good arms to compete for the playoffs. And we need to get rid of all the trash in the team like Quinana, Bundy, and Rengifo so Maddon can't play them any more.
  5. It's same shit every year. Just DFA Quintana and Bundy so Maddon can't use them any more.
  6. Come on Quintana make up for all your shitty starts by getting an out here.
  7. I think Lagares should be the starting right fielder once Trout and Upton comes back. His bat is below average but his defense can make up for some of it. Angels need defense everywhere they can get it.
  8. 6 LOB for Ward and single handedly killing all scoring chances today
  9. Surprised that they pulled a lefty to put in a righty against Walsh. I guess they didn't look at Walsh's splits.
  10. Ask Wicketmaiden once he's done beating off to that one time Rengifo got a hit last week.
  11. Stupid inning started by giving up a walk to a slap hitter. That shit is inexcusable.
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