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Posts posted by kevinb

  1. I have said a lot of bad things about you the last couple days. But if you can gut this team of the likes of Aybar, Blanton, Vargas, Callaspo and Howie for some good prospects and major league ready young arms etc. I will take it all back. Rebuild this team from within and get some young fresh guys here instead of the old crap we have now.



    Don't worry about big league ready arms now. Lets get younger and have them be ready in 2 to 3 years

  3. When your 15th or higher in more than two categories your probably not going to be a good team. It's a team sport you need all of your 40 man roster and more to help you win. When we are only 2-4 deep in good players in the line up and 2 deep in pitching with good players you are not gonna win many games

  4. The only deal I was for was Hamilton, the others I was against. I couldn't imagine Hamilton being this bad. But crap happens and sometimes you make bad decisions the upside though is once you make a bad decision like Hamilton, Pujols, Blanton etc. To not let it burden the entire organization get creative and find your way out of it. Hell make a trade for another bad contract and see what happens or eat part of the contract and go a different direction.

  5. Good idea. Tell the guy who owns the team, pays your salary and writes the checks that he can't do what he is doing. Don't know why Dipoto didn't think of that before.



    Theo is in his second year. You don't undo a century-plus of bad baseball in less than two years.

    I have told my boss a couple times to not to make a deal on something that he wanted to do because my analysis of the deal pointed in the wrong direction. Did I have to stand up to him no, but I did because that is what was best for the business and I strongly believed what I was saying and what I thought. Luckily he listened to me and the company that actually purchased it lost their ass on the deal.

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