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Everything posted by SlappyUtilityMIF

  1. I figured one of the interviewer types would have his cell, and be all up on their social media here..
  2. Can someone text, email, or post to our Offensive Coordinators Twitter account and tell him Moniak is wrapping the bat.... pleeeeease...
  3. I'm more interested in knowing which sub .200 and sub .250 hitters will beat the Halos this weekend in Cleveland...
  4. Agreed TG, it's about holding them accountable for their jobs as well. There needs to be a rating system for the umpires. IF, they fall below a threshold then they get documented similar to a real job... So, many documentations on file for the samething they can be termed.. That would beat any union attempts. Hernandez should have been gonzo a long time ago! He is turrible.
  5. I'm just asking questions in what you see. It was brought up by the Whit comment. However, it's more than that... it's the entirety of the thought process. If it's stats based, analysis of the analytics, or watching the at bats? Yes, some of these guys are burnt toast. Others are being rushed, and some due to the disabled list are being placed into situations they need time to grow or are biding time for the next one. Rebuilding does not mean we will have every guy from the Minors play up here for the Big League team. We need ownership that will place the Big League team in the best opportunity to win. And the Minor Leagues the Best chance to develop a consistent flow of talent. To be used here or traded for other players. Also, you seem like a knowledgeable person on here.
  6. @jsnpritchett when you watch the game what do you watch/see? Just the outcome of the at bat? Or, the opposing hitters at bat? I watch our hitters setup, stance, in at bat adjustment if one is made? I can tell if their over thinking an at bat like Adel swing to k in the 9th he was looking slider down then had to adjust to a fastball up and he couldn't catch up to the velo high in the upper part of the zone. Watch the defense if we shift then the pitch sequence, if the pitches called would be effective to get the hitter to hit into your shift. Did the pitcher execute that pitch or sequence successfully? And I watch the pitchers mechanics including landing, release points, including if they're rushing through their mechanics, landing on their heal, ball of the foot, if they spin off, and then location which may/May not effect the pitch location which works for or against the sequencing and the defensive alignment.. That's what video is good for. You learn a lot by watching the game and breaking it down to its simplicities, intricacies and outcomes. I would be bored if I just sat their and waited for outcomes... It's also hard to understand why things happen if you do that. Slumps, ineffectiveness, a decrease in abilities etc.
  7. @jsnpritchett Am I incorrect in my comments/critique of Moniaks stance, hands, load, or swing? Watch it...
  8. Nope, he played 1 game in the series 2/3 sb, scored the gw run... He will end up around his career norms.
  9. Because he plays many positions and we are deep into our borderline depth the 1st day of May.... .614 ops And we have 86M +/- on the DL..
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