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Season Over

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Everything posted by Season Over

  1. Yes. It's not his fault we were idiots and replaced him with Hamilton.
  2. He played plenty of first in 2010 after Morales got hurt.
  3. Na na na naaaaah Na na na naaaaaaaaaahhhh Hey hey heyyyyy Goodbyyyyyyye
  4. I was joking, but yes, that would be rad.
  5. Howie for Phillips and Chapman. Git r done Dipoto.
  6. I thought it was mandatory for bullpens to walk at least one batter per inning.
  7. Entertainment-wise, this is far from the worst postseason ever. Teams I hate being successful-wise, it might be.
  8. Pitching matchups both favor Detroit. Home field/momentum/Satan favor Boston.
  9. That was a fantastic Pujols/Hamilton impression.
  10. A Dodgers/Red Sox World Series would be the worst thing to ever happen to western civilization. I'm like not even exaggerating.
  11. I must have misread that part, but either way it's not going to happen.
  12. Josh Johnson may have been even worse than Blanton last year. Hard pass.
  13. Most Dodger fans would never root for us if they were in a similar situation, nor would I expect them to.
  14. Jackson has been awful all postseason. Not sure why Torii got the nod to lead off though, he's not doing much better.
  15. We ain't getting Wacha for just Aybar. The Cards have him cheap and under club control.
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