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Everything posted by Tyler

  1. Hey Doc, I respect your opinion and agree with it on many subjects, but I think we'll have to agree to disagree here. My point was the starters dictate the pace and play of each game. When the other teams' bats are awake, it's going to be a see-saw battle the rest of the way. I do feel the relievers have been pitching too much, not necessarily overworked though. All in all, both sides of pitching are major concerns, but I'll lean with the starters as more concerning.
  2. My apologies, Katie, that comment wasn't directed just at you. I've been attacked by just about everybody in this thread for defending a matter that relates to the Dodgers. I feel dirty for doing it, but Quentin's reaction was uncalled for.
  3. Then we have people who have played and understand baseball and then we have people that shouldn't leave the kitchen. If this were the Angels vs the Rangers, this thread would have a much different vibe.
  4. There's only been three times where our starters gave up three runs or less. The only thing the starters have succeeded at this year is warming up the opposing bats for the bullpen.
  5. OregonLAA is definitely not a pussy. #thuglyfe
  6. Has nothing to do with Dodgers. It's baseball. Know the game, know the situation, know the count, take your base.
  7. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/columns/story?columnist=kurkjian_tim&id=6436161
  8. It's sad that this guy came from Stanford. What an idiot.
  9. A starter hasn't pitched more than 6 innings in a game this year. I can only help you with the equation, I won't solve it for you too.
  10. What is he supposed to act like Soler? C'mon man, you're reaching. There's not much he is allowed to do.
  11. Huh? He lost it after he found out Greinke was injured.
  12. <3 Kemp I'd do the same thing if I was Kemp.
  13. We haven't had a starter go past 6 innings this year. Again, it's the starters that suck all the wind out the sail.
  14. Greinke is a wuss? Your and idoit. The dude is 1/4th the size of Quentin. gtfo
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