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Everything posted by Swordsman78

  1. I like his posting style. I like it very much. What does "your new here" have anything to do with the interaction?
  2. You are having a rough day. First you stated I wanted to call the manager a crack head. (I did not) Second you pivoted to I supported someone who called the manager a crack head. (I did not). Tier 6 posting by you today. Maybe go spend some time on other endeavors.
  3. You missed the point (as usual). I have never disparaged the manager. Only pointed out your hypocrisy.
  4. Nolan may be the only one who actually has one
  5. That was LAST YEAR. Things have changed. Actual results of opponent strength is: No AL West teams Opponents are a combined 55-59 No #1 teams in division (2) last place teams in division A good team would FEAST on this April schedule
  6. April schedule is NOT difficult. Please stop perpetuating that misconception. U-12 Travel ball teams play in more time zones.
  7. Halos at 100% health, playing a slate of mostly Tier 3-6 teams and are 7-7. Is this as good as it's going to get?
  8. It's an unbecoming culture perpetuated by a few mods and their acolytes.
  9. Not fair invoking Saint Lou to support your argument. #BoardFoul
  10. Adell has very good potential. Not sure why fundamentals like base running wern't covered in Spring training.
  11. Most legacy posters don't want to connect the dots. Prefer to FLAME anyone who points out that the "emperor has no clothes".
  12. Bad decisions have consequences. Finally figuring it out.
  13. Tier 6 right now. But the official start of the Tier placements will take place after the first 22 games. Stay tuned!
  14. Good thread. OP articulated very well what many fans are frustrated with.
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