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Everything posted by Quinlanforthewin

  1. So nothing is ever the Manager's fault essentially
  2. Don't look now but Morales just had a good game...
  3. Trout Pujols and Hamilton need to step the f*ck up starting tomorrow
  4. Nice outing by Vargas, especially in Texas during the day.
  5. Hamilton trying to replicate Pujols's debut last year
  6. Woooo now let's get another run so we can have a lead for once
  7. I was more referring to striking a balance between mandating someone have cheery thoughts and dropping N words.
  8. Please don't suggest that we go back to having the Vent thread and Gameday thread going at the same time.
  9. Every year this happens. Someone gets too negative and doesn't mix in enough cheer and gets the scolding. As hard as you all try to police the internet it's never going to work. Just let people say what they want without filter. But of course that will never happen.
  10. It feels like Iannetta has been up 100 times with the bases loaded today
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