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Everything posted by Rico

  1. It's behind paywall but The Wall Street Journal has Biden at 42% approval. They also lean conservative.
  2. People that bought the cards are complaining that they can't find them.
  3. I would explore trades for Catcher Danny Jansen of the Blue Jays. Jays been looking to trade him or Kirk to make room for Moreno. He has two more years of arbitration. Major upgrade over Stassi.
  4. I love the part where he claims he's better than Lincoln and Washington.
  5. Any interest in Brandon Crawford? Had an amazing '21 season, but crashed last season at age 35. Owed 15 million in last year of contract.
  6. If the Mets are really interested in upgrading 3B maybe they'll be interested in Rendon.
  7. We'd get outbid for sure by teams with better prospects.
  8. You know what else Trump's ban came after? Him using Twitter to incite a riot at the capitol.
  9. Bro has been locked up since 2018 and a search of his name on this forum goes as far back to 10 hours ago being the first mention.
  10. The dude is charged with espionage. The price is higher for getting him back. Maybe the other governments he is citizen of should cut a deal.
  11. Twitter shadow banned all kinds of people for all kinds of reasons. This isn't new news. Don't like the platform, don't use it.
  12. She's got like 3 weeks left in that position. Of which covers Christmas/New Years recess. You actually want her to have hearings on this issue during that time? Wouldn't it be better for the next congress to handle it?
  13. It's illegal to post nude photos of someone without their consent.
  14. He's making History of the World part II as an 8 part Hulu series.
  15. They are actually different Kanye loves Nazis videos.
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