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Posts posted by Kotchman

  1. 1 hour ago, Taylor said:

    The long-term consequence of allowing Jews to displace Palestinians is an Israeli superiority complex that makes them think they are God's divine people and the Palestinians are animals. 

    Palestinians and all Muslims are clearly on the wrong team. No Muslim will ever see the pearly gates and that’s the team you’re joining? 

  2. 1 hour ago, Crampknees said:

    Whoa, slow down there Jethro. Care to explain that to all the other MAGA's here. And since you seem to know so much about God, you are saying Trump wasn't sent by God?  Blasphemy! You are correct in your statement, I just want to make sure you explain it to the MAGA force in terms they can understand.  Maybe do a Branco and color your thoughts for them. 


    Fuck me, I'm stalking Kotchman now.  

    Lol. I’m just saying we give Trump a pass on a lot lib policies. Now he isn’t the first unholy leader to defend Gods people. 

    I’ve said for years Im not a fan of taxes and social programs. I’m willing to compromise with Dems on those issues. However the left is socially and morally bat shit crwzy. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Crampknees said:

    Always back in time to Clinton's, Obama, etc, etc, etc.  You are like someone unearthed every episode of 1990's Rush Limbaugh burned onto a CD.  Four years of the Grifter God we still had abortions and men dressing as women if you want to take a trip down memory lane.  Maybe if Taft hadn't eaten the last box of jelly filled we wouldn't have obesity.   

    Trump is a damn lib. His rise to popularity as a populist really shows our social decline. The progressive movement is way older than Obama Clinton and has infected both parties. Teddy and FDR were socialist bastards. 
    The end game of the progressive socialist movement has always been about destroying the traditional family and replacing God with government. All this second amendment noise is really just a distraction. The Bible is the weapon the left fears and the one they aim to ban. 

  4. The whole abortions , outcomes , and healthcare cost argument distracts from the ultimate motive. The majority of our elite politicians are Satanist weather they fully understand it or not. Libs in both parties have convinced a lot of gullible fuckers like Taylor , some well intentioned bastards like Rally that government has good intentions. It does not. The Faucis of the world support killing undesirables in the womb and as they age. They simply don’t advertise this on tv. 
    Libs are experts with the nudge. Obama envisioned a world where men could dress as women and whip their dicks out in schools when he failed to defend traditional marriage in court. Abortion and universal healthcare are simply a push towards government having a final say who lives and dies from the cradle to the grave. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Taylor said:

    Sadly, when you force someone to have a child who doesn't want a child, that child is more likely to be abused, malnourished, and put at a disadvantage. Which means they are more likely to exhibit anti-social behaviors later in life.

    Should that child have the opportunity to overcome their circumstances? Perhaps. But a fetus doesn't even have consciousness until about 24 weeks gestation.

    94% of abortions occur within the first trimester (first 12 weeks) of pregnancy, before the fetus can feel pain and long before the fetus can be self-aware. 

    Yet you wanted to force a lady to raise an unwanted dog. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Taylor said:

    In your opinion. Maybe I feel differently about it than you do. Is that so hard to comprehend?

    Feelings will send you to hell. You know the truth and it’s time for you and step up and follow these truths. I have a theory your declining faith started about the time you met the old lady. Kinda like adman and Eve. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Jason said:

    I think Taylor realized his faith and political ideologies are not compatible. 

    I hope I’m wrong but he’s certainly walking the rebellious path of someone who is about to denounce his faith. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Taylor said:

    My personal stance on abortion is that I wish it didn't need to happen. But I understand why a woman might choose that option, and it's not my place to decide what she does with her body.

    The best way to prevent abortion is to provide social safety nets for people to have children. Mandated paid family leave, child tax credits, expanded health care access, education about contraceptives and safe sex — all these things have been statistically proven to lower abortion.

    I also recognize it's unconscionable how abortion "advocates" have exploited the Black community for profit. It's not just the crusty ghouls in Louisiana who contribute to the problem.

    The best way to prevent abortion is to raise a generation of God fearing people who follow his law. Economics is simply an excuse to justify evil

  9. 3 minutes ago, Taylor said:



    Since eight years ago, I discovered that Christians haven't historically been so pro-life. It was a shift that occurred around 1970, and it was wrapped in a lot of baggage that had nothing to do with the "sanctity of life." Many of the issues conservative Christians hold dear developed in a similar way, in American in the mid to late 1900s. 

    MAGA, I think you'd be the last person to attempt some kind of "gotcha" for a person's major idealogical shift. 

    This is certainly wrong. The beliefs of so called Christians has changed over time. God’s law hasn’t changed. The SBC, Pope, and the world can change their view but the Judge is the same today as in the beginning 

  10. 1 hour ago, Crampknees said:

    And why wouldn't they be ok with it.  Everyone knows the Dems eat newborns and have even put them on pizza.  While you are at it, isn't giving birth sort of an abortion?  It does end the pregnancy. 

    I may get some heat for this but you aren't cals, I think you may be AF25. 

    Damn, did you get another booster

  11. 6 hours ago, Taylor said:

    I find it offensive that someone would say my daughter at 8 cells was the equivalent of my daughter at almost 3 years old.

    Yet God sees those 8 cells , you , and your daughter as his children with equal value. Nowadays over 20% are over 10 weeks and 7% are over 14 weeks (fully formed). On average 35-70k are killed with every organ and limb they need to survive. We all know the dems want to move abortion to at least birth and a few are ok with post birth. 

  12. 1 hour ago, St1ck said:

    That's a lot of words to try to justify Trump's actual actions to steal an election as compared to your made up scenario that Hillary wanted to. 

    Yes I remember when Trump wire tapped Biden’s house and prosecuted Biden and Obama for national security violations. The Dems may very well establish permanent party rule. If they don’t , they’ve established a precedent that opens the door for a right wing dictator. Trump may be a delusional asshole. He isn’t close to be the most corrupt and dishonest political leader in our lifetime. He’s actually more innocent than I suspected. Had we spent the money looking into members of congress business affairs , Clinton’s sexual escapades, and the Obama Clinton body counts we would find much worse. Do you really believe Trump’s butler could drown in 6ft of water in Mar lago and it would be a non story? Half of white water died in prison yet we’re prosecuting trump for financial dealings with no victims 


  13. The party of super delegates that threw out 2 major primary states in 08 isn’t above a little cheating. I’ll give the Democrat party credit for being the most effective ruling party in the western world. The party of that slaughtered native Americans, institutionalized slavery, and spearheaded the murder of black babies has managed to pin that on conservative white males. Its no surprise that the party of insurrection and voter fraud so easily passed the blame to Trump. 

  14. 27 minutes ago, St1ck said:

    I can just imagine the things she was scheming in those 8 hours before conceding. 

    Probably things like fake electors, calling the Georgia SOS and telling him to say they recalculated votes to give her the state, inciting a riot on the Capitol.

    Georgia the state with the midnight main water line break that shut down a major precinct for 4 hours. Later we discover Biden is ahead and no line break occurred. 
    Georgia, where Dominion admitted in court that there systems could be hacked and the security defect will not be addressed prior to 24 election.

    There is a reason Dems and uniparty reps oppose voter id, restricted mail in voting, and vulnerable election software. The reason isn’t to maximize the voice of the American people. They want multiple avenues to keep control. Biden isn’t winning an in person hand counted process where only verified legal Americans are allowed to vote  



  15. This shit is interesting to watch. I fully back Israel but something is off. We have both establishments shutting down protest. Meanwhile, the far left is organizing this shit. The protests are likely a smoke screen while the establishment bends over the country or it simply keeps Biden’s failures off the front page. 
    The majority of college kids and Palestinians aren’t good people but they’re certainly not  engaging in the violence of BLM or molesting children like the LGBT mob. I’d rather our police move in and beat the shit of the black criminals and gays molesting children. 

  16. 15 minutes ago, St1ck said:

    Lol @ Hillary delaying her concession. She conceded the morning after the election and even went to Trump's inauguration.

    Now compare that to how Trump handled the 2020 election.

    Yes she spent that night hoping for a steal. The uniparty either underestimated Trump or Obama simply didn’t give the order to permanently end the Clinton dynasty. 

  17. 17 minutes ago, Blarg said:

    Wasn't he wrong about Hillary beating Trump?

    The deep state underestimated the resources required in 16. Clinton’s delay in conceding had nothing to do with her mental state. She was simply buying time to launch the midnight steal. The Dems were prepared in 2020 and I expect they’ll be ready for years to come. 

  18. This is probably the biggest challenge America has faced since the Revolutionary war. It will take Divine Intervention for Trump to win and stay in office. He needs to  overcome a 30% deficit in fraudulent votes. They’ll be multiple derp state and foreign hackers ready to back Biden on demand. Then, he’ll need to overcome the reps effort to give away the house. 

    You have to hand it to the Marxist for playing the long game. For a group that’s mostly criminals, women , and pussies, they’re on the brink of conquering the greatest society and military power in history without firing a shot. 


  19. The save the world from covid crowd is all about encouraging behavior that will kill 50% of these people by the age of 35. I get libs are attempting to improve outcomes by allowing these mentally ill individuals to compete against women. Outside of Big Mike these people ain’t exactly achieving in life. 
    I don’t think respectfully telling these fools where to piss is a bad thing. They’re going to figure it out and that’s usually right before they commit suicide. Rewarding bad behavior and appeasing evil aren’t winning strategies for individuals or  nations. 

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