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Orange Lives Matter

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Everything posted by Orange Lives Matter

  1. spoiler alert... the good guys win in the end... Trump 2020
  2. Once again angry voice coming through while reading your writing... By the way what narrative?.... I didn’t bring up that other thing you private messaged me about... you asked me to let it go in private message form and I’m being respect towards your request... Take a step back dude and read everything again... I replied back to your posting here talking about when coronavirus was gonna end Heck Brah I even liked that post you posted and now I get this?
  3. I don’t know why but in my mind I just read everything you wrote here in your voice but with you being angry and yelling
  4. Strand why didn’t you also mention blm??... do black lives not matter in Mexico?
  5. Don’t know about you but he totally fits the description of a peaceful protester to me...
  6. Lhalo might be on to something... can I be combination of two people like...
  7. So you know how Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were referred to as Bennifer when they were together... well I combined Fishbulb and St1ckboy together to make FishStick because they always seem to be together like a couple The Kanye West meme is in reference to a South Park episode... google Kanye Fishsticks to see what that story is all about
  8. Yup a 43 year old man with the mental capacity and intelligence of a 12 year old is spot on with this hot take... Thank you for your 2 cents (a penny a thought) So when's your stroke buddy boyfriend fish gonna jump into this conversation to defend you?... what do you think 5 minutes?... 10?... 30???... AN HOUR??
  9. oh and can't wait for Fish-Stick to be the first person to reply back to this
  10. Let them keep doing this... more and more people will turn to Trump and the Republican party because of low class CRIMINAL-like behavior like this... They think they're doing well and winning when in all actuality they're only setting back the black race and black community for all the GOOD BLACK PEOPLE out there... I'm already hearing it from a lot of my black friends and black associates... they're all telling me that people they've never had issues with before being more stand offish with them now a days... and I've also heard them talk about fears of not getting opportunities later when all this crap dies down from the standpoint of payback for all the race crimes and all the race problems they didn't create... It's so sad that a handful of blacks have allowed the whole American black community to become pawns of the white liberal in this POLITICAL BATTLE... After the election the democrats will go back to not giving a shit about the black community until a few months before the next election
  11. Well I found Tea Doggy Dog’s hand... I’m pretty sure it smells like Calsnuf’s butthole
  12. Watch Fish-STICK reply to me right away when he didn’t reply to you
  13. ... or if you’re muslim you can have some Shepard’s Pie
  14. Brah, you’re already spoken for... Fishbulb + St1ckboy = Fish-STICK
  15. It’s all good Cal this same identity shtick replies you’ve been using OVER AND OVER AGAIN is only getting funnier and funnier... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t come up with a new joke
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