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Mile High Dreams

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Everything posted by Mile High Dreams

  1. Maybe...but I doubt the angels would prefer to take the risk that they would owe him the rest of his contract than te contract of a proverbial AAAA pitcher making the league min.
  2. He was out of options...the only way to retain him was to DFA him and let him pass through waivers unclaimed.
  3. Not to hi jack the thread but I get tired of the name change debate. The only ones who should have a right to bitch about it are those that live in Anaheim...or LOS Angeles. The rest of you who bitch who don't live in Anaheim or Los Angeles sound like those who root for USC or UCLA but never went to school at either.
  4. I like what the royals did to their park...couldn't the same types of upgrades be done here?
  5. M's Win...M's Win.....MMMMMMMMMMM's Win!
  6. Interesting to see responses deleted with no mod edit and no mod message
  7. MT you're quick to judge those that judge.
  8. He's been pretty good for sure. I like the fact that Scioscia can pik an choose when he feels he's stretched out enough to go past 6 innings.
  9. It just means we have some pieces to trade with at the deadline
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