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Everything posted by AngelsLakersFan

  1. 6 years with the Angels and no one noticed... 6 weeks with the Dodgers and "everyone knew."
  2. Unfortunately WPA/LI is WPA with the leverage index factored out, so this is more a reflection of Trout's overall production without the clutch component included. Of course your point still stands with WPA.
  3. Isn't he just a CIA asset from Philadelphia?
  4. Man said he just didnt want to get boo'd for keeping a Machado homerun ball!
  5. Usually the issues with RISP is because they have a handful of good hitters that can get onto scoring position and then a bunch of guys who suck.
  6. I duno, I think I'd have a little more confidence in Suarez turning things around if he wasnt so fucking fat.
  7. He had a nice run for us at least.
  8. When are we getting a new WEBA penned President Brandon diss track drop???
  9. I think he definitely deserves more playing time, but hes also not good enough or young enough for the team to really be missing out that much. I think they should consider using OHoppe at DH from time to time to keep his bat in the lineup but get him off his feet and out from behind the plate.
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