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Everything posted by BTH

  1. But the Mariners have been crying broke, with their TV mess. Their provider moved Mariners games into a higher subscription tier and the M’s will likely have to takeover broadcasts themselves (and the costs associated with that).
  2. I’ll say Chapman. Bellinger and Snell seem like they’ll be a while and Montgomery seems to be waiting for Texas.
  3. The Braves don’t, and the stuff about López got out.
  4. I thought about that too, but the reporters tend to say in the initial tweet that they will he used as a starter (if they are).
  5. I don’t see them releasing Quijada after they just guaranteed him $800k. Rivas, Soto, Warren, Ingram, and Cabbage are all more probable DFA candidates IMO.
  6. Agreed. It also seems like the Angels front office was retrospective, recognized that they made mistakes, and are handing the keys over to Barry. This really stood out to me in the Enright Q&A from a couple months ago: One of the biggest things in the interview they said to me — which was great — they said, “Barry, you have full autonomy to say no to us. And we’re going to need you to do it. Because we’re going to come down with suggestions.”
  7. Need a lefty IMO. 5 options, gotta get at least one. Alexander, Chapman, Diekman, Moore, or Peralta.
  8. Something worth noting about Estévez: 1st half: 29.3% K% 12.2% BB% 91.6 mph EV .293 BABIP 2nd half: 26.1% K% 9.7% BB% 89.3 mph EV .397 BABIP His second half was bad, but it’s not like his peripherals dropped off a ton. I think it had to do with regression to the mean, poor BABIP luck, and exhaustion from a heavy 1st half workload.
  9. Altuve feels like an Astro for life. Bregman is repped by Boras and isn’t as attached to Houston as Altuve (also a Boras client), so I think he bolts to like NYM.
  10. And let’s just ignore Jankowski’s .589 OPS from 2019-2022? There’s a reason he’d be cheaper.
  11. He’d probably playing LF/RF for the Angels, where his defense was better. But I agree that offensively and overall he just screams “meh.”
  12. I find it interesting that Perry would pitch Arte on Bauer, despite Perry’s knack for caring about a player’s makeup. So is Perry desperate because he’s in the last year of his deal or is the public perception on Bauer wrong and he doesn’t have bad makeup? Perry always talks about makeup, then he signs guys like Strickland, Tepera, and Plesac that make me question whether he does. I wouldn’t care if he didn’t constantly say things about a players makeup, but he does.
  13. Same. Maybe Arte isn’t even gonna give Perry money to sign depth signings now?
  14. This just tells me how stupid Arte is. Even if we as fans had some level of hope that he’d come back, we weren’t surprised when he left. He’s also the guy who didn’t match the offer. He’s literally the guy in the hot dog suit saying, “we’re all looking for the guy who did this.”
  15. Not really sure what foreign teams can give the Angels in return if the Angels don’t want to trade him. Could they give the Angels a few million in cash so they could hire Clint Hurdle and an assistant gm? Lol
  16. Anyone thinking that is setting themselves up for disappointment.
  17. sure, but I think $23M is a little light. I see like $25M-$27.5M
  18. I don’t see either Montgomery or Bellinger signing for $23M AAV.
  19. If it works, there’s big upside. If it doesn’t work, you know you can just put them back in the pen where they’ve had success. I’d much prefer giving López or Hicks a $9M-$11M AAV than giving like Clevinger or Ryu that same amount because if they struggle, you know you can still get value out of them.
  20. Who says he’s even selling? Just seems like false hope to me.
  21. I’d like to know who is accurate and who is not, because I want to know what the Angels are doing. I have no idea what they’re doing when one person says one thing, and others say another.
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