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Everything posted by ScottM

  1. Def thought they'd pull him after 4. Good to see him getting into the 90s pitch count wise.
  2. Putting Adell in CF tonight is an interesting move... Sooner rather than later perhaps?
  3. Adell is exactly where he needs to be right now. He's being challenged at the exact right level.
  4. I saw Swanda like 10 days ago. He was really good. Low 90s, decent slider. Does anyone have a scouting report on Kyle Tyler?
  5. Suarez and Barria should be starting
  6. Yeah to be clear I’m not concerned at all about him, I still think he can be a great 2-3 but he won’t be one of the straight to MLB college guys like Leake.
  7. Awful start for Detmers. I thought he might be on a fast track but it looks like he's a September/2022 guy.
  8. Detmers hitting 96 https://twitter.com/AngelsMiLB/status/1397338139392241668?s=20
  9. Watched Kochanowicz today. Looked great, his line is deceptive. Easy 92-94 with big ol uncle charlie. I see an MLB player. Swanda not bad either, low 90s.
  10. No one is allowed to swing against Ohtani 3-0 anymore, he's a position player.
  11. Mercedes should request a trade. What a ridiculous crusty take from LaRussa.
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