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Everything posted by mmc

  1. Does it necessitate it though, or is that just how we want to do it? Would we really have any issues if we move to 5?
  2. Don’t tell me we’re stuck with O’Neal all weekend
  3. So I'm 22, and this process has been incredibly difficult for me. I started with business, then went to statistics, and after not liking either one, I've finally decided I'm going to just follow my family and major in accounting, and while my first years of college I was hoping to eventually find something I would be passionate about, I'm more than content now to be doing something that my family can support and help me with and is likely to land me a decent career. What was the process like for you, did you know right away, or did it take you a few years? Did your career end up being related to what you studied in college, or did you go a different route after graduating?
  4. Do helmet nachos always come in the city connect version now, or is that just for the games they wear the uniforms?
  5. Quijada has been on the 60 but I think it's more likely we move Warren than cut anyone
  6. Why would a rebuilding team trade a 23 year old who’s one of their only good players who they just extended?
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