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Everything posted by mmc

  1. Lmao. Why do you dish them out if you’re just going to cry when they come back your way?
  2. Are you going to understand this time when I once again tell you him being banned had nothing to do with me or are you still retarded?
  3. Over candidates like Trump and Vivek, certainly.
  4. Too bad it turned out he was severely autistic. Still think in terms of actually doing the job he’d do a decent job. Would easily vote for him over pedo Joe or whatever lefttard he’ll be up against if he secures the nomination in the future
  5. Neither him nor Rainier Rivas are with the Astros anymore
  6. It’s something no one on this board would ever do if they were in his shoes
  7. No you really wouldn’t and I don’t know if I’ve seen anyone else who does. The Orioles were given a valuation of $1.7B in Forbes latest franchise ranking (pretty much nailed the sale price), the Angels are valued at $2.7B. LA market is worth much more than Baltimore
  8. Being this mad and reading this much into signing the 5th OF on the roster to a league minimum deal is completely nonsensical. I don’t think there’s a single person out there who sees Hicks as an every day player so I don’t even know what you’re trying to argue against
  9. Not sure why paying a premium for Arraez is a good idea whatsoever
  10. He's not the best fit here, he doesn't really play SS anymore, just 2B and 3B. He's basically a Drury with more health concerns.
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