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nothing, Nothing

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  1. Woah
    nothing, Nothing got a reaction from AngelsLakersFan in Israel vs. Palestine   
    so what you're saying is politicians and media lie , hilary must have been lying in this vid then 
  2. Like
    nothing, Nothing reacted to Taylor in Israel vs. Palestine   
    I'm sure God sanctioned this bombing of a civilian hospital.
  3. Like
    nothing, Nothing reacted to St1ck in Israel vs. Palestine   
    It's the right thing to do. I just want a place were we can express our political opinions without being verbally assaulted. It's a shame some people can't follow the guidelines set by our excellent group of moderators. 
  4. Like
    nothing, Nothing reacted to Taylor in Israel vs. Palestine   
    And who created these terrorist organizations? The United States by funding and arming radical Islamist groups in the fight against cOmMuNiSm.
    We have two evil sides and a bunch of innocent people (whom Larry refers to as "assholes") caught in between, just trying to live their damn lives.
  5. Like
    nothing, Nothing reacted to AngelsLakersFan in Israel vs. Palestine   
    Israel should give them some sweet planes with precision guided missiles so that they can avoid civilian casualties just like Israel…
  6. THIS!
    nothing, Nothing reacted to Angelsjunky in Israel vs. Palestine   
    The closest thing to Gaza in the US are Indian reservations, but if you didn't let the inhabitants leave, treated them like sub-humans, bombed them, etc. 
    As Chris Hedges said, what did Israel think would happen? You can't keep a people in an open air prison for decades upon decades, treat them worse than animals, and not expect this.
    This isn't to justify Hamas or acts of terrorism, but to explain their behavior. It is largely because of the ongoing terrorism of the Israeli government. It isn't hard to understand. Nor is it hard to understand that Netanyahu was chomping at the bit for this opportunity to advance his Zionist agenda to get rid of the Gazans, once and for all.
    The sad thing is that everyone suffers for the psychopathic games of world governments and the oligarchs they serve. They play games, we suffer and die for it. Maybe at some point we need to stop taking the bait and pointing at our gay or redneck neighbor who has different ideas on culture war wedge issues, and start looking at who is profiting from all of this division. I'll give you a hint: big banks, big pharma, Blackrock, Vanguard, etc etc. We're being played.
  7. Like
    nothing, Nothing reacted to cals in Israel vs. Palestine   
    I don’t see why it’s so hard to understand.  I don’t see why those under the influence of the influences can’t acknowledge it.
    This is 100% about religion and the effects of religion on politics.  
    Evangelicals and Christian Zionists have become very powerful voting blocks since the time of GHWB.  Now Republicans are bound to bend at the knee to their whims.  It hasn’t always been that way.  Republicans used to also just be rich dudes that didn’t want to pay taxes and didn’t care about social conservatism.  But now you can’t win as a Republican unless you landed to them, even if you really don’t give a fuck about them (See: Donald Trump).  
    And on the other side of the coin the Democrats are so heavy influenced and financed by Jewish Americans that it’s frowned upon to question Israel or it’s policies for fear of losing Jewish support.
    Put both of those things together and you have an American political establishment that leans heavily pro-Israel.  This isn’t really at play in any other country.  Perhaps a bit in the UK, but nothing like it is here and mostly because they don’t have the Christian Zionists.  
    What happened last week was disgusting.  If my family was affected I’d be outraged.  But the causes aren’t simple black and white.  And Israel’s actions and policies since the 1940’s were at least partially to blame.  You should be able to discuss that without fear of losing your job or whatever else is being threatened now by powerful American Jews.
    And I also find it odd that all of the reliable AW conservatives are rallying together for Israel and when asked what about “America First” and all that bullshit, there is no answer.  Well, this is your answer:  Jesus.
  8. Thank You
    nothing, Nothing got a reaction from Taylor in Israel vs. Palestine   
    will look into it
  9. Like
    nothing, Nothing reacted to Taylor in Israel vs. Palestine   
    Basically all Middle Eastern terrorism came out of groups the United States funded and armed in the fight against cOmMuNiSm.
  10. Like
    nothing, Nothing reacted to Kevin in Israel vs. Palestine   
    I think we all remember after 9/11, we were told they hate is because of our freedoms which seems really laughable in hindsight.
    But Bin Laden made it pretty crystal clear in 97 or 98 why he was declaring war on the U.S. along with what his stated goals were for trying to draw the U.S. into conflict.
    A big reason was our support for Israel and Middle East policy. If we’re going to be an ally of Israel, whatever. But that does come with consequences if Israel is going to have baggage that conflicts with the Palestinians and other Middle East countries. There’s enough blame to go around for everyone.
  11. It's True!
    nothing, Nothing reacted to AngelsLakersFan in Israel vs. Palestine   
    Hamas is just a logical result of Israeli policy. It's not just that their grandparents got kicked out of their homes, it's that they are still getting kicked out of their homes today. Every year Israel pushes the fences back a little further to build new homes for "settlers."
  12. THIS!
    nothing, Nothing reacted to AngelsLakersFan in Israel vs. Palestine   
    The next time there is a terrorist attack against Americans because of the US support of Israel in this operation, remember this post!
  13. Like
    nothing, Nothing reacted to AngelsLakersFan in Israel vs. Palestine   
    I think it's fair to question whether or not Israel agrees with this.
    It isn't hard to trace all of this back. The people in Gaza are largely refugees pushed out of their homes a couple of generations ago. The cycle of violence will not stop until both groups decide to treat the other with dignity. 
  14. Like
    nothing, Nothing reacted to arch stanton in Israel vs. Palestine   
    It sure seems like both Hamas and the Israeli government have agendas here that don't include caring about killing innocents on the other side and neither has any thought of ending this conflict that is a cash cow for them
  15. It's True!
    nothing, Nothing reacted to cals in Israel vs. Palestine   
    You MAGAs and cons still haven’t explained why this is the one foreign conflict you picked a side.
  16. Facepalm
    nothing, Nothing reacted to Amazing Larry in Israel vs. Palestine   
    “The women and childrenz!”
    Shut the fuck up already. There are military aged males all over the invasion videos. You’re not fooling anyone with your bleeding heart bullshit.
    What’s hilarious is the fact that I don’t really like Jews but you’re pushing me more toward their side with every stupid fucking post you publish on this site. 
  17. THIS!
    nothing, Nothing reacted to AngelsLakersFan in Israel vs. Palestine   
    What the fuck is wrong with you? Israel has been pushing this bullshit about baby murder across every channel for days with no evidence, then someone posts a video with actual dead children and you come up with this??
  18. Like
    nothing, Nothing got a reaction from AngelsLakersFan in Israel vs. Palestine   
    i was literally just describing what's happening in the videos ... how is that defending them?  and how is anyone going to come to a conclusion if they're sticking their head in the sand on any information that goes against the narrative ,  getting information from both sides is the only way to figure out what's really happening  
  19. It's True!
    nothing, Nothing got a reaction from AngelsLakersFan in Israel vs. Palestine   
    i wonder how many of them are now trying to get me banned lol .... actual on the ground video news/updates and real free speech i guess isn't their thing , they seemed to get triggered pretty easily by both    
  20. Thank You
    nothing, Nothing reacted to Taylor in Israel vs. Palestine   
    Lol at defending the Israeli government
  21. THIS!
    nothing, Nothing reacted to Taylor in Israel vs. Palestine   
    Go touch grass.
  22. Like
    nothing, Nothing got a reaction from Taylor in Israel vs. Palestine   
    american militias lol   

  23. Like
    nothing, Nothing got a reaction from AngelsLakersFan in Israel vs. Palestine   
    the lower square within the circle has been the main thing people are pointing at, you can see a hazy white box that looks unnatural seems like a digital edit or add in ...
    either way there should be more than one pic for proof , if hamas has been killing tons of children and women isreal should have the photos and be releasing them ... maybe they're collecting all of them and waiting to release them all at once i don't know that's def a possibility too ... just makes them look bad in killing 400+ palestinian children without releasing tons of proof of what hamas has done 

  24. Like
    nothing, Nothing got a reaction from AngelsLakersFan in Israel vs. Palestine   
    uh duh don't you know because god gave them that land 

  25. So You're Telling Me There's a Chance?
    nothing, Nothing got a reaction from Taylor in Israel vs. Palestine   
    uh duh don't you know because god gave them that land 

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