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Everything posted by IheartLA

  1. he's due $12M next season, LOL he's not going anywhere unfortunately
  2. we will still make the wild card, the AL only has like 6 teams that are actually trying.
  3. are they still leading the league in BB's allowed too? or did someone pass them?
  4. Ohtani just needs to keep his weight back like he did on his 3rd homer. Giancarlo has that super closed off stance to handle outside pitches, but he's super strong so it only works for him. Ohtani has good power, but it's probably going to be hard to deal with major league pitching when you're contorting your body all over the place.
  5. since it was a day game after a night game Scioscia probably decided it would be a good time to rest Pujols. Honestly with Pujols swinging at every pitch someone like Cueto would probably slice him up so fair play to Scioscia.
  6. Cueto is mowing us down, we need to get to the bullpen
  7. His error looks pretty bad now.. we could have been out of the inning no runs. DP ball would have been three outs, no runs. Of course you'll say the sequence of events would have changed, which we can't prove but the point is the dude's defense fcked us over 3 runs.
  8. LOL they played the music... just not a good sign, weird things happening today
  9. so what happened this time? The sun? The dude is terrible in the field, I honestly think you'll argue w/ me on anything just to be the counter point.
  10. yea i know, but most of those were slap hitters so I can kind of understand. remember when we had that talk about Upton in LF and I said it's not possible to remember all the plays of every game but he is terrible out there. Just another example
  11. Will Ohtani keep his damn feet stable, the dude is all over the place no wonder he's looked so bad on changeups
  12. Do you only show up when something happens with Ohtani?
  13. does pujols not trust himself to take pitches and work the count? i know this is a rhetorical question, his BABIP before today's game was the highest since 2010 but with his speed he's going to have a below average BABIP meaning a lower average than now. His OBP is going to be below .275 unless something changes
  14. ok, once again is pujols going to swing at every pitch
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