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Everything posted by Ohtani&Trout

  1. Can the Angels just forfeit? This pitching staff is shit. Against a good team, this is what happens.
  2. Now he's falling behind the count and issuing walks. How typical of this terrible pitching staff.
  3. To be fair, he would've had he been hitting against the Angels pitchers.
  4. Yeah, and two-thirds of the HRs Betts has hit this season came against the Angels.
  5. From what should've been a walk to a flyout. Why are umpires even calling games in 2018? Just let machines do the job.
  6. 25 games started (27 games pitched in all) = 152 IP. Can Skaggs do that? PS Way to ignore his 2.72 ERA from last season (and 3.23 career ERA) though. I guess Skaggs' career 4.50 ERA can compare.
  7. Have you seen his numbers? Here ya go: https://www.fangraphs.com/statss.aspx?playerid=13781&position=P
  8. Lol Alex Wood would be the ace of this staff (not counting Ohtani). All of those legit contending teams have much better rotations.
  9. That's not good depth. Name one legit postseason team that relies on pitchers like Skaggs, Tropeano, Barria, Shoemaker, etc. Most of the legit contenders (Astros, Dodgers, Red Sox, etc.) have a much, much better pitching staff.
  10. What was Eppler thinking, though, by not getting a starter? Newsflash: having depth means shit when the quality is poor.
  11. Yeah, there's no point watching this game or series. It'll be a sweep and in brutal fashion.
  12. It's not a good look when seemingly every starter falls behind the count, issues free passes, and can't finish 6 innings. Every game is seemingly a bullpen game.
  13. Nearly 60 pitches and only 6 outs. Charles Nagy should be fired.
  14. I would've been happy had the Angels just won 1 game tbh. Skaggs and Tropeano against the Red Sox doesn't inspire much confidence.
  15. This game is over. The Angels are going to get swept at home. This pitching staff is garbage.
  16. 3 hits and zero runs. Pathetic. Calhoun also signed his contract and became a shadow of himself right after.
  17. Lol @ this pitching staff. 24 pitches and not even through 1 inning.
  18. So...did Ohtani develop this blister during the first or second inning? Or did he have it before the game started?
  19. I thought he had this issue since opening day but it hasn't affected his performance.
  20. That's not how regression works. But, ya. I wish Eppler did something to improve the pen. Cannot rely on these guys in the postseason, that's for sure.
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