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Everything posted by tennischmp

  1. I can help. Just give me 100K and I will show more effort than they all do combined
  2. I am more sorry that you had to pay 120 to watch this mess. I watch it online for free and am very happy I didn't shell out on MLBTV. I was going too
  3. The only positive from today was the Vargas outing*. *It was against the M's lineup so that might no be that positive at all
  4. He is one of those guys that is durable, can give you 200 innings and knows how to take care of Mike's buffet table.
  5. The problem is not getting runs off him but it is getting enough to cover Blanton's pitching
  6. They were talking about his batting stance being different or something. I wasn't even listening
  7. They just spent 5 minutes on BBTN talking about Wells in an episode called "Vernon Wells Back To Form" Oh the perks of playing for the Yankees
  8. Yea best case scenario is if both Minnesota and Detroit loses and Columbus wins. Worst case scenario is if all 3 lose or Detroit wins.
  9. Minny lost to the Oilers of all teams so now the Wings are in the drivers seat for the 7th. I would rather face the Jackets.
  10. Excuse you for the Burp, did you go out for lasagne with Mike tonight?
  11. Your pager has beeped. Maybe you should get a new one as it is 40 minutes late.
  12. I would rather turn pages of my textbook
  13. But but but he is .500/.677/2.000 for the season and just hit a HR tonight.
  14. Don't worry Vargas is pitching last game of the series. He will give it right back to the M's
  15. Yea dude had a 5.10 ERA for the Angels
  16. Hopefully Scioscia leaves him in for more than 1 batter this time around
  17. Bases loaded, 1 out with pujols and hamilton up and they can't score
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