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Posts posted by jchalos89

  1. I really wish this is a break out performance for this 26 year-old young pitcher.

    This team needs young, constant arm that will provide 10+ wins with decent ERA for years to come. Cuz this rotation now is full of veterans that are past prime or won't be a regular starter in other teams. G-Rich was supposed to be the ace of this crew following John Lackey and Jered Weaver but it seems like G-Rich is kind of done.

  2. I was at the game last night and there was a new guy called Yikes or something started pitching from 8th inning.

    He was serving up batting ball at 87-88 mph all over the plate little bit high up in the zone. Jays hit 2 HRs off of him and another crushed ball that was saved by Red Baron's super hero catch.

    Anyone with any idea about that guy? Who is that? Did we just go out and sign new guy or he's from our minor system?

  3. Well.. If we look at how this team has been spending, it will be a miracle if this team is doing something positive.

    We gave Gary Matthews Jr. $50M for 5 years. He was averaging 0.250 and 10 HRs for his entire career except for one good 2006 season. Of course, after signing with the Angels, he averaged exactly around his career average (0.248 and 30HRs in 3 seasons) with the Angels and we dumped him.

    We traded Juan Rivera and Mike Napoli for Vernon Wells. He batted 0.222 with the Halos while Mike Napoli became a clean up hitter, batting over 0.300 and crushing 30 long balls. On the other hand, the catcher we decided to keep instead of Napoli, Jeff Mathis, batted 0.174 for whole f'n season and crushed 3 long balls. After 2 seasons, we traded Wells to Yankees but Angels paid for majority of his salary and we spent around $80M for that crap for 4 years.

    We signed Albert Pujols, who absolutely had been legendary. But he was 32 years old and had 2 worst seasons of his career in St.Louis before coming to the Angels. We gave him 10 year contract and his contract is still only half way to be done.

    We traded 4 prospects including 2 of top 5 at that time (1 being Jean Segura) for Zach Greinke. Then, we used him for 2 f'n months and let him walk out as an FA. Greinke had his prime with Dodgers and recorded 51-15 with 2.40 ERA for following 3 years. Also, Jean Segura, the top prospect we basically threw away for nothing, became an All-Star at the age of 23 and batted 0.319 last season, and batting 0.313 this season with Mariners.

    We signed Josh Hamilton, also 32 years old like Albert Pujols and Vernon Wells, who had awful 2nd half of the last season with Rangers. He was an MVP candidate until May, and started struggling from June and literally sucked until the season's end but the Angels decided to sign him no matter what, and look at how the result turned out to be and how much money the team is spending on that shit still.

    We signed CJ Wilson and wasted $20M for nothing last season, but he had 51-35 record with high 3s ERA in 4 seasons before he got injured so his contract is not as bad as the ones above.

    Yes I understand bad contracts happen. I understand athletes are always in danger of injury. But if all those god damn bad contracts all happen in one decade, (if we take GMJ out, they happened in almost half decade) surely the team will be blown up. We have a devastated farm, shit loaded up salary cap, and no player with more potential to improve on our roster. This team will be painful to support for awhile. If you are going to support with logic, I think it's better for your mental health to find other team to root for. But you know, liking a team has nothing to do with logic usually. Even though you know they will suck balls, you still can't help rooting for them. That's why I've been going to their games and rooting for them while all those bad times and I think you will be with me and other guys here to support this bad team


  4. When G-Rich went down with injury covering the 1st base against Red Sox in Boston, I was in Boston for college and attended that game, wished him to come back stronger.

    I didn't know that was literally the last time I'd see him pitching healthy. Since then, he's getting all sorts of problems everywhere on his body and never stays active on roster for more than weeks :(

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