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Everything posted by Dtwncbad

  1. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if someone other than Estevez is the closer by August.
  2. He can be a fun story in a moment when he gets a meaningful hit. But you have to judge players overall, and overall he is toast.
  3. We all know the team needs to take a huge step forward in wins and losses in order to be in any kind of race. The natural tendency is to start speculating how many more wins the team could achieve signing this player or that player, or by trading for this player. And that leads to stuff like, “It would be dumb to sign Snell because that’s not enough to make the difference.” But there is also a substantial change in wins possible simply from the range of performance from the players you already have. To me it is important to look at where there are large possible changes in performance. The two areas that have some of the greatest possible changes in performance are health (like playing 140 games instead of 50 games), and young players that level up. I am not predicting that the 2024 Angels will be a great team next year because equally health could be the same or worse and maybe your young payers just don’t level up. But when I look at this roster top to bottom, I overwhelmingly see a shitload of players on the projected 2024 team that fall into one of the two categories of could be healthy or could level up. Plus a little winning can breed more winning, with increased confidence and momentum. I would love to see the team go get one or two impact players. They don’t have to (all by themselves) mathematically BE the difference to make the playoffs. They very well could be the incremental difference to get there though, on top of the rest of the roster being more healthy and the young guys playing into their potential.
  4. Yes. And what is going on with this free agency this year? Are teams cutting payroll?
  5. I am comfortable being optimistic about Adell for 2024. I think he has figured out enough to have an acceptable floor. If Adell settles into an everyday job, signing Bellinger could really be a boost. I like the insurance of Bellinger and Ward both being capable of playing some first in case Schanuel struggles.
  6. Follow up question. Does this mean he throws a splitter? Or maybe a (moose) knuckler?
  7. Finally! Buckle your seatbelts. This should finally be the domino that falls to allow the market to move now for the Angels to sign some minor leaguers with invitations to spring training.
  8. Nearly every post in this thread could be rephrased to “I am so fucking bored by the lack of moves.”
  9. Yeah and a duck on a wall is worth two in the bush but let’s not count them before they hatch.
  10. It does seem fair to speculate whether or not Moreno is stuck in limbo trying to decide what he wants to do, but I really can’t find anything that isn’t speculation that actually directly supports that. What I will say is the Angels have a PR problem. Having everyone always speculating rather than knowing a direction/philosophy isn’t doing this team any favors. You can’t be responsible for reacting to every speculation, but you should have strong enough messaging where the most of the speculation is dismissed as invalid because it’s not consistent with the strong messaging. What is Arte doing? We don’t know. That is at the heart of all of this.
  11. I am not sure this guy should have a nickname that basically means “salad.”
  12. Every time I visit AW hoping to see some good news, the first image I see is this. It is starting to almost be a punishing meme, a repetitive moment where I am reminded of my own mood and frustration with nothing happening of significance to improve the team.
  13. This is technically incorrect since the team has not improved at all. Wouldn’t you have to improve at least a little to even make the list?
  14. If Arte decided to sell, it is at least conceivable that a transaction could happen relatively fast. . . if there was a front runner from the last cycle that is still interested.
  15. Not true. You are evidently completely ignoring Lorenzen’s CAE+ at 154. (Caught Angel1961’s Eye)
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