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Everything posted by Robrock30

  1. Rizzo single plus E8. Tying runners in scoring position for the red hot Aaron Judge. Maddon going to the pen.
  2. He plays good defense though and played Little League with Kris Bryant and Bryce Harper.
  3. Short RF porch in the Old YS. I used to sit out there. New YS when it opened was a launching pad out there.
  4. Corey Kluber returns after a long IL stint tonight after having thrown a no hitter 2 starts ago back in May. As he isn't stretched out perhaps Andrew Heaney will back him up.
  5. Classic Mad Dog rant about this! https://www.thebiglead.com/posts/mad-dog-russo-mets-rant-thumbs-down-javy-baez-01fec41g2h3g
  6. Steve Cohen has deep pockets unlike the Wilpons but the Mets appear to be a vanity purchase for him just a rich man's toy so he can feel cool. Tonight is an off day and Steve Cohen will be attending a Charity event with his 2 malcontents Lindor and Baez. That should go well. I wonder what the media will be interested in.
  7. Great analogy. Oh and the Owner spends his time on Twitter trolling the Mets fans. Until yesterday's postgame presser when Baez was questioned about the thumbs down gesture as to it's meaning which to his credit he honestly answered nobody knew what the secret thumbs down hand gestures meant. Now that the media have rolled back the tapes, this has been going on since August 6th but nobody noticed because they rarely hit. LOL
  8. New Owner but still the Same Old Mets! Steve Cohen purchased the Team but retained the Wilpons Manager, Coaches, Medical & Training Staff, and Scouts and rehired their failed GM Sandy Alderson. He traded for Francisco Lindor and extended him for 10 more years for $ 341 MM which he demanded prior to the Season without assessing if he fit and knowing that there was a plethora of top SS FA's coming in the offseason. The Team was 4 Games in 1st Place and have had a brutal August and now are 7.5 GB in Division and Wildcard so they are done. They can't hit with RISP and are at the bottom of most offensive categories and their ace SP Degrom has been MIA. The FO big acquisition in the offseason was Baez while the Braves improved. They Fubared the Draft # 10 pick with Kumar Rocker who they didn't sign and didn't line up a high upside talent as a backup plan unlike the Angels who bypassed him at # 9. The Fans and Media are dishing it out but the Players ( Lindor who has been a massive failure & Baez who has just arrived can't handle this.) What a mess as usual. LOL
  9. The Company is a Wall Street favorite because its Founder Danny Meyer owns successful high end restaurants in NYC which I am familiar with. It has been a volatile good trading stock since its IPO running up prior to quarterly earnings and trades at it's high growth potential. Expansion and sales growth have been a bit slow for me though. I continue to follow and do my research which includes my first hand experience sampling their offerings. I have hope that they can become the next Starbucks which has been my all time MVP.
  10. One place I have never been is Las Vegas. Interesting that Shake Shack hasn't achieved market share outside of NYC but there is positive room for growth in major markets. There should be one closer to Angels Stadium though. There is one in CitiField and at LaGuardia Airport and of course many in Manhattan.
  11. You should go there and yes I own stock in them. Been to both Long Beach & Manhattan Beach but way before Shake Shack existed.
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