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the dude abides

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Everything posted by the dude abides

  1. Seriously. It's as if Bernie Sanders himself hijacked flop's logon.
  2. Well shit howdy... I agree with MAGA on this. C*nt move by Castro.
  3. lol. Anybody else read this in Ralph Wiggum's voice?
  4. This incompetent fvck missed his target in the worst way. He’ll get desk duty for a week as punishment. **graphic https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/article233471812.html
  5. More handouts to soybean farmers forthcoming.
  6. What part of “shall not be infringed” do you not understand?
  7. I appreciate the post and what you’re doing, but Blarg went full retard sometime in 2015-2016. He is 100% Trump’s lackey, incapable of arguing any political point without interjecting Hillary or Obama into the discussion.
  8. UTH, you realize you are debating two guys that get their “facts” from gateway pundit and infowars, yeah?
  9. Blarg is a bigger Trump knob-gobbler than even MAGA. It’s quite pathetic.
  10. Can you blame him? What Bernie supporting lib wants to be affiliated with the NAAWP?
  11. Guys, has anybody checked with Lou to see if we can talk about this yet?
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