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Everything posted by jsnpritchett

  1. I'm curious to see who they call up today. I'm wondering if it'll be Davis Daniel again, since he's really the only guy who's currently on the 40-man in the minors who's capable of going multiple innings today if needed. Might bring him up today just for coverage, then option him again tomorrow for someone else?
  2. Wantz is hurt and hasn't pitched since mid-April.
  3. Random note: Amir Garrett started for Salt Lake tonight and went 3 innings. Guess they're going to try to stretch him out into a starter, too?
  4. Yeah, I always think it's funny when people say that. Maybe the org is just really bad at picking people who will succeed and/or evaluating their real talent level.
  5. Tbh, probably the only way they'd get a top free agent here in the near future would be to overpay. I don't see why any pitcher (or position player, really) would look at the organization and think, "yes, I'd like to join that team for the next several years of my life."
  6. My post was about his StatCast measures and velocity. You quoted me and went off on a tangent that had nothing to do with those things. That's why I replied the way I did. I don't disagree with what you're saying about Detmers/Sandoval. It just seemed like it should have been its own post, rather than a reply to mine.
  7. I also love that they didn't even bother to announce a corresponding move yet. It was just:
  8. Not a ridiculous move at all. I'm a proponent of analytics, but there are times when the actual results matter more than what the "predictive" analytics might say.
  9. Angels were only flying to Seattle and the Yankees were only going to SF, so neither had much of a trip to make.
  10. I would argue that we don't really know yet if the college bats have worked. Yes, a couple are in the major leagues, but that was by design. Neto and Schanuel are promising, but I think the jury is still out. And the other college bats like DiChiara, Rios, and Sam Brown look questionable at best so far--and the first two have looked catastrophically awful. Fontenelle still might turn into something useful, but who knows after that injury.
  11. I'm sure Washington will have some bland-yet-confusing comments after the game that will make us all feel better!
  12. Dana went 98 pitches and 6 innings tonight. 5 H, 1 ER, 2 BB, 6 K. The only run was on an RBI single from our old pal Edgar Quero (who's been slumping lately, btw). Also, Rada has struck out in his first 3 plate appearances tonight and is now in an 0 for 25 slump.
  13. Miller looked like he was scuffling early on. Sucks that the Angels didn't take advantage.
  14. Yep, I've said the same thing. Obviously, aim as high as you can, but getting something is better than nothing, even if it's just depth. If they try to get cute and hold out on trading these guys, yet are left holding them, I'm gonna scream.
  15. 39-year-old former Angel Cesar Valdez is 5-3 with a 1.006 WHIP in 57 2/3 IP the Mexican League. Maybe the Angels can sign him, too.
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