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Everything posted by jsnpritchett

  1. The Angels better take advantage of that. Shut them down here and then score in the bottom of the inning.
  2. Yeah, that's a weird call, even if it is the rule. I'm not sure what Soto is supposed to do there. I think the announcers are making too big of a deal out of the "hip check" from Soto. It looked to me like he was just reaching back to get to the base.
  3. Another 2-inning outing tonight for Ben Joyce. He got the win in an extra-inning game in the first game of a doubleheader. K'ed 3, didn't walk anyone. Gave up 2 hits and 1 ER.
  4. Fletcher ended up going 5 innings, 3 hits, 2 ER, 1 BB, 6 K. I still don't know why the second run was earned, but whatever. Such a bizarre story. He can't really make it as a pitcher, can he??
  5. I'm gonna put on my tinfoil hat for a moment. Maybe they're trying to protect Pillar's value, while trying to rebuild some of Moniak's. Pillar obviously isn't going to be with the team next year, and will almost assuredly be gone by August. He's playing great right now, so play him in the situations that are the most beneficial to keeping his value as high as it can be (which isn't very high, tbh, even with his hot streak). And with Moniak, this is probably a make or break year for him, so give him all/almost all the ABs against righties. If he finds himself, great. If not, cut bait.
  6. 4 innings, 4 K so far. 1 hit, 1 BB, 2 ER--though I'm pretty sure one of the runs should have been unearned.
  7. Lol, I literally posted the exact opposite of what you just did regarding drafting a C.
  8. Yeah, I wouldn't really understand the pick if it was one of those two guys, since neither would appear to be the "best player available," and the C position seems to be covered for the foreseeable future. I suppose you could move Janek (who has played a handful of games at 3B) or Lomavita to another position, but my guess is one of the main reasons they're ranked as high as they are is the fact that they're catchers. (And, yes, I'm aware that Taylor Ward was drafted as a C.)
  9. Man, it sounds like every ball the Yankees are hitting tonight is shot out of a cannon.
  10. Fourth straight scoreless outing from Moore. Good to see. Get a few more of those out of him and rebuild some trade value.
  11. Where did I say he can't play in MLB? My point is that he's been up and down over the past few years, and it's unlikely that he's found some sort of new gear that's going to allow him to perform at this level going forward.
  12. He'll be traded for sure, but, again, they're not going to get anything substantial for him. He's a 35-year-old reliever who didn't even pitch in the majors last year and has had an up-and-down career (like most relievers).
  13. Cole Tucker just looks so goofy. Not just the hair, but just his overall physicality.
  14. Well, at least the 2nd run there didn't score. He was out by a mile. Now 3-2. Honestly, with the way the Yankees have been hitting the ball tonight, the Angels are probably a little lucky to only be down one.
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