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Everything posted by jsnpritchett

  1. I'm shocked that a 70+-year-old guy who hasn't managed in a decade isn't the best at making lineup or in-game decisions anymore!
  2. I think that's actually one of the skills they look for before bringing a guy in.
  3. Yep. Angels are the only team not to have at least one guy on the list.
  4. Hey, moron: he was saying "we" the fans have a disease because we keep watching. He wasn't referring to the culture of the team.
  5. Detmers' velocity is up on all of his pitch types tonight. Overthrowing/trying too hard?
  6. Did something happen to Schanuel? I missed his AB, but saw him stretching his left arm/shoulder as he was walking off the field.
  7. He has all his options left. I doubt they'd officially send him down, though. They'd probably just phantom IL him, then maybe send him on "rehab."
  8. Keep in mind the Cardinals were dead last in the NL in runs per game coming into this series. They scored 10 last night and already have 5 in the 3rd inning tonight.
  9. If a team in contention gets an injury in the OF, they'll probably either have someone in their system who's better than Pillar or they would just acquire someone else who's better than him.
  10. This is the second time you've mentioned Pillar being a trade piece. No one is going to give the Angels anything worth writing about for him. The White Sox were the only team that wanted him in the off-season. They dumped him. Anyone could have picked him up before the Angels did. They didn't. A couple of hot weeks from him is entertaining for fans, but doesn't change the narrative on his value at all.
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