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Everything posted by AngelFanInTheATL

  1. Here in Atlanta we have OHoppes all over the place. I enjoy their banana pancakes.
  2. WWE fans who are tired of bad creative plans were doing the same. But a scandal bailed them out.
  3. I took this as a joke prediction, or not something to be taken seriously. A wacky, far-out prediction. Living in the ATL, I can't see Liberty Media shelling out what it would take to sign him long term. They don't usually spend (Matt Olson contract notwithstanding, but that money would have gone to Freeman anyway). But I've been surprised before. Not expecting it.
  4. Sadly, no! Long story but I am out of Georgia for the next 2 weeks. Really bad timing on my part. Truist Park (and the surrounding area) is a blast. You'll have fun!
  5. That was in response to Stradling. I guess I can't figure out the quote function.
  6. It's fake, just like the NFL Schedule Leaks account was fake, but a lot of people fell for it.
  7. One of the three guys on the MLB pre-draft show picked Holliday.
  8. Solid Bobby Heenan reference. I would have also accepted an insult to Big Bossman's mom.
  9. Sure, it's a better outfield on paper. I meant that I don't see them winning any more games because Austin Jackson is on the roster.
  10. Not really sold on Austin Jackson. Price more likely to re-sign than Scherzer, so this is insurance for beyond 2014. Smyly is OK, but not the ace Price is. Mariners won't be any better with Jackson. AL favorite 1. Tigers 2. A's 3. Angels Only three teams with a shot to make the WS from the AL. Not impossible for the Angels. Win the division, have the A's lose the one-game playoff then beat the Tigers in 7 games. It can be done without going through that gauntlet of back to back 7 game series against the A's and Tigers. But they need to win the division.
  11. Grew up in Minnesota, live now in the Dirty South (Atlanta). Loved the Angels as a kid in the early 80s. Stuck with them. Been reading the board for a few months, decided to join. Thanks!
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