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Everything posted by juansavage1

  1. Both Bernie and Hillary are socialists. Is there an issue they disagree upon?
  2. Is that how you decide laws? For example, assuming you work, how will cutting welfare impact your life? Would somebody marrying their dog and killing their one-year old impact your life? Most people decide laws on the common good and what they think its right.
  3. Does that figure include accidents and suicides?
  4. RT @RickSantorum: RT if you believe marriage is the union of one man and one woman. https://t.co/7mf9mLaZ78 #Rick2016

  5. Are you referring to the Latino post above? Is there a majority Latino area in orange county that votes for the more conservative candidate? If not,then its not that dumb, is it? One correction is that the relevant number as far as elections is percentage of electorate, not population.
  6. It would be a mistake to say that efforts to battle drugs have wholly failed. Of course, determined people will still get drugs, but drug use declined at various times. I also don't think that you'd want to decriminalize meth, do you?
  7. This is the evidence you posted? What does it prove?
  8. Old grievances die hard. Lots of blacks are still upset aboit slavery. Lots of NA about land, Mexicans about land, women because they couldn't vote, etc.
  9. Its useless to talk facts with most on the left. "What about this..." "Fox news, Limbaugh, this state senator who said something racist and the Crusades."
  10. Remember, break through the insults and hater accusations and it's easy.
  11. Do you have any evidence that gun control reduces crime?
  12. No.drugs don't just hurt the people taking them.
  13. I think Benghazi is the fourth most important issue next to genderless bathrooms, justice for Valerie Plame, and campus rape.
  14. This is a victory for everybody who thinks its the Supreme Court's job to fix poorly written laws rather than adjudicate what's actually written. As evidenced from the comment above that if they had ruled according to the actual law, bad things would have happened.
  15. I said probably. But, the fact that this demographic likes something more than something else doesn't mean that that thing is bad.
  16. Mexico has strict gun control and it has a much higher murder rate. Why? Also, the murder rate in the US isn't uniform throughout the country. Some states with very high ownership have low murder rates. Why?
  17. You know what? I bet uneducated people watch more sports.
  18. ”Educated” people probably have less tools, knives, work shops, children, and opposite sex partners as well. Doesn't mean that any of those things are undesirable. It's just cultural differences.
  19. You have to be educated before you use statistics. The greatest correlation is probably urban/rural. Within a city, I bet there' very little difference between the education of legal gun owners and not.
  20. I just wanted to know if this was from personal experience. And,are yiu scared personally?I know some SJWs that scare me in their foolishness, but many are nice personally.
  21. I think all historical sites should remain as is. I can see both sides of the flag debate.
  22. Do you know a lot of Christians or is this what you're getting from Rolling Stone and Bill Maher?
  23. I think that there are hate groups, but some organizations that label groups are ideologically driven and completely unreliable. The SPLC is one example. Remember, I said that the single most effective left strategy is labeling opponents as hateful or crazy. The FACT that most media and education is left-leaning makes this job easy.
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