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Posts posted by Caralho

  1. You and me both. People that visit don't understand why I'd be willing to walk that much further just for covered parking. "Turn on the AC for a minute or two" they say.


    "HA!" I say.


    I keep meaning to get the windows tinted, but I never get around to it. Seriously considering it happening in the next couple of weeks.


    Meanwhile, I point my car to the setting sun and use the reflective dash protector when I have no choice but parking outside. It may not be a cure-all, but it saves blistering by accident. ;)


    You should definitely get your windows tinted, I have a black car that has had the windows tinted for a few years and it is worth it.

  2. I disagree.

    From marketing to ticket sales to merch, having a once in a life time player boosts a lot for your company from generated income to value.

    Signing him also accomplished a huge goal of taking an on the fence fan or casual fan and likely making them an Angels fan which has always been his primary goal.

    Granted, no one will care when he's a DH in year 6-7. But the initial signing already solidifies a fan base and gets others to think this owner will do whatever it takes to win and jump on board.


    Attendance went down slightly from 2011 to 2012 and looks to be stagnant this year. I'm pretty sure merchandise sales are split among all 30 teams so that's not that important. I guess you can argue that the decline would be steeper without Pujols.

  3. You sound like Storm blaming people on here who might be misguided but actually want to see their team improve. It was stupid when he would say stuff like that and it's dumb when you say it YK. The stuff about Arte is spot on though, I like to talk crap about the Dodgers but in terms of baseball moves, you can't think about making them jealous or anything silly like that. 

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