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Everything posted by thebloob

  1. Those mariners sure know how to work the count.
  2. Isn't this where Alvarez should throw 3.1 to save the pen and we don't have to see him for another week.
  3. Watching the dodgers defense is like watching a llws game.
  4. Anyone know why a sac fly doesn't count as an at bat? These guys are trying to get a hit they just happen to fly out with someone on third? Why then shouldn't a grounder to second that scores a runner be s sac grounder?
  5. Sad but Albert doesn't even look like he belongs in the box against Kershaw. I think I saw Kershaw throw the last pitch right handed to him.
  6. No matter what happens in this game I am underwhelmed by this "championship caliber" team.
  7. How can this dodgers team be favorites. They suck. Two innings out of 26 they've posted runs.
  8. It's past pujols bedtime. He's trying to get home. He he gets like 40k per at Bat.
  9. I dint recall saying he is great but it's tough saying your pitcher sucks when he's throwing a shut out. While you may pore over the walks column I pay attention to that pesky scoreboard. I'll take 5 shutout innings from s starter over 6 innings with 3 runs (a quality start) any time.
  10. You suck Meyer!!! Another scoreless inning. Boooooo.
  11. Love everyone saying he sucks. 0 runs through three is really bad.
  12. Give him a break. He played an inning in the firld. I'll bet your grampa gets tired after playing with the kids too.
  13. Ask the St Louis fans about his character. I'm sure they have a different take.
  14. The baseball one or the dirty one. Much more likely to get the dirty one here.
  15. Are you looking at the same lineup as me. The highest batting average is 281. They have one guy who's hit s bunch of homers and the lineup is great? Look again. Their lineup is almost as bad as the angels.
  16. For all the bitching about pitching nobody has mentioned that the angels have had the pitching advantage both games so far.
  17. What's your definition, whoever got the last hit has the momentum. Still with 3 Run lead
  18. I find it hard to believe that everyone keeps saying the pitching staff is in shambles. While no one cyyoung worthy the starters have kept the team in games. Look at today, two homers but both solo shots, minimizing damage. The biggest surprise has been a bullpen that I think has overpeformed. In the recent past the bullpen was the weakest link. Remember losing all those tight games down the stretch. I'm not sure the missing guys would be overall outperforming this group. Lot of assumptions being made about their performances. It's not like the angels have meds has or sale sitting on the shelf waits g to come back.
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