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Posts posted by Crampknees

  1. And MSNBC isn't? A bunch of phony ass holier-than-thoughs with their hipster glasses speaking for the masses from way up on the high horses of self righteousness. Stewart could easily do every bit he does against the Fox clown posse against the other side on pretty much the same issues.

    Don't get pissed off about it.  MSNBC is drab and boring.  FOX manufactures 7/8 of their news and is so sensational about it that it begs to be made fun of. Remember we are all living in camps with indoctrinated children and have no future.  Amirite?

  2. Me too.  They were saying the drop must be right where the ball was struck and sometimes when that happens the ball rolls into the divot.  I didn't know that!

    Screw all the tiger this and that...come on Freddie!!!


    Actually the guy has such a microscope on him that it was his comments after that messed him up.  Looks like they were going to let it go. In his defense he probably figured if he said F it I dropped where I thought I should everyone would make a shit storm out of that also.  Tiger has a shit storm cloud floating over him no matter what.


    And what is this crap you can call in from you couch as nate pointed out (good find on that one) Why don't we all just call in when a double play the second baseman was 5 feet away from the bag or a face mask or horse collar tackle we only saw on TV.  WTF PGA unplug the couch hot line.


    Bruce, I am going to Myrtle for the first time next month.  I will likely hit into the water a lot there and hopefully I don't drop a couple feet back. 

  3. To be fair, this is probably the best forum I have ever been on.   Hands down.  And there is no Rangers forum, at least good one.


    I like posting here a lot more than the A's forum.  The A's forum is kind of awful.



    Well you just made points with me:)

  4. What gets me and sitting in the stands with some of these guys is here is someone who excelled for their team. All-star every year, silver slugger awards, plenty of avg. homers and RBI's during his time in Texas.  It wasn't just him but didn't the Rangers start jumping to the top of the West after he arrived?  Be bitter at the ones who sucked and cost you money.  Hell we had Mo Vaughn who tumbles into the dugout in his first game then proceeds to eat half the food in Orange County after that. Many families went hungry due to him.  


    I like the fact there are Ranger fans on the site here but give better reasons than the ones you all copied and pasted from each other for not liking a player.  

  5. When the 13 year old in front of you jumps and yells for cotton candy in the voice of Larry the Cable Guy...you know you are sitting by rednecks.


    When the girl in denim shorts and a tee opens her mouth to boo Josh Hamilton and there are only four teeth...you know you are sitting by rednecks.


    When the guy next to the girl in denim shorts jumps up to boo Josh Hamilton but his belly hangs down more than his dickey do...you know you are sitting by rednecks.


    When 20,000 people show up to the stadium early not to watch batting practice or get an autograph but in anticipation of watching the tractor drag the infield...you know you are sitting by rednecks. 

  6. It was brutal yesterday.  Vargas looked good which was a positive.  Ended up down the line in rt. close to Hamilton.  Berkman hit a blooper that seemed Kendrick got in the way but was a hard play for a double, then Hamilton could not get Gentry out at home.  This is when I was informed I would soon learn why he is the worst right fielder in all of baseball.  LOL, I have a long list of Hamilton funsies I got to hear.

  7. No, the reason we hate Josh Hamilton is very similar to the reason you guys will hate him pretty soon. You will hate him far more than we ever did. Remember we booed him even when he was on our team, during a season in which he hit 40+ HRs. Think we did that for no reason, in a baseball town known for being very forgiving? It was well earned.


    ...and also CJ Wilson. You guys have to know he's a total dbag right? I mean, even when he was doing good things for us we knew he was about the most ridiculously obnoxious dbag we had ever seen.


    On the other hand, Weaver and Trout are badass. Respect.

    Still griping about C.J.,  come on.  I will give you some Hamilton time but man i hope I don't have to hear about C.J. again tomorrow.

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