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The Dude

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Posts posted by The Dude

  1. He was a solid and consistent starting player for 6 years from 07-12. I'm not sure where people get this idea that he wasn't any good. His wRC+ was better than average for 5 of those 6 years. Plus he had defensive and baserunning value. He was a solid player. He signs a huge contract and instantly becomes unrecognizable. He was 27 when he signed it and he didn't/doesn't have any injuries that would help explain any of this.

    I apologize if he just randomly lost his abilities overnight after the contract was signed, though.

    These guys aren't robots man, shit happens sometimes. I refuse to believe that he's content with his performance. Yeah, he's getting paid,but no one wants to be complete garbage at what they do. That's absurd.

  2. Nice to see the bats wake up after a few weeks off! Good win. Please don't suck again tomorrow. Ohh and CJ wasn't too bad either.

    That 7 run inning could be seen as a stand against racism.

    Lol, I don't know why no one else is running with this. That had to be one of the most ridiculous things I've read on this board in my 7 years here.

  3. Asdrubal Cabrera would be a nice pick up that could displace Freese from starting.

    I considered this as well, until I saw Cabreras numbers. He's having a bit of a down year only posting a .692 OPS, which isn't much better than Freese .657. Unless the got him for basically nothing I think I'd rather stick with Freese.

  4. The real kicker is that Grilli and Thatcher are both FAs...  So, there will be a pressing need as soon as this offseason.

    And with the salary increases to Trout, Pujols, Hamilton etc. next year I imagine they may not have much money to work with to either resign these guys or bring someone else in. Could turn out to bite them in the ass in a year or two.

  5. Some perspective:


    Derek Jeter's career OPS: .822


    289th place all-time

    For real, two seasons of his 20 with an OPS at or above .900, you'd think he was the greatest hitter of all time the way the've been going on about him. He wasn't even a great fielder. Its annoying.

  6. Adam Wainwright admitted he grooved a fastball to Derek Jeter in the first: “I was gonna give him a couple pipe shots. He deserved it.”

    — Jeff Passan (@JeffPassan) July 16, 2014

    They were discussing this on mlb network a few nights ago. Reynolds and whoever else basically dismissed the idea that any pitcher would groove a pitch for Jeter. I'm a little surprised it actually happened. I know If I were pitching I wouldn't give him shit to hit.
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