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Everything posted by SoWhat

  1. He isn't Mariano, he can't get away with just throwing fastballs. We need Madson Asap
  2. Frieri ****ing blows. Can we finally get a real closer?
  3. I picked him up the other day, thanks.
  4. Doesnt matter, Either way it's an automatic loss
  5. That was so predictable, Im not even angry
  6. Seeing Weav hit 91 MPH is Definetly a good sign
  7. @Alden_Gonzalez: Mark Lowe DFA'd, as the corresponding move for Weaver coming off the DL to start today.
  8. Madson costs less than half of what Fujikawa makes. Even with all te setbacks, I think Madson was the better move.
  9. Remember when everyone was hoping we'd sign Fujikawa this past offseason? Well, looks like he's having season ending surgery. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/baseball/cubs/chi-chicago-cubs-fujikawa-tommy-john-surgery-20130529,0,7407417.story Sorry if the link doesn't work, I'm usinh my phone
  10. Now I'm starting to think they're purposely trying to get Mattingly fired
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