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Posts posted by yvangelfan

  1. 3 hours ago, tdawg87 said:

    Fat acceptance is fucking RETARDED. No one should have to just "accept" you because you are fat. Being fat is a choice, unlike being LGBTQ. 

    It's mostly women too. They just want to have an excuse to not take care of themselves. Hey if you're happy with yourself, that's awesome. But don't expect other people to just say "oh she's beautiful look at her curves!" No fuck off. 90% of "curvy" women are obese jello monsters. You aren't curvy, you are fat. Accept THAT.

    And yes, I am fat. It's not ok. I'm not "beautiful". I can barely see my dick. Fuck you.


    Anything that is white in your kitchen should be thrown out.

  2. 2 hours ago, Tank said:

    I really like John Stossel and the videos he makes. He’s a smart man, and I think he really gets it.

    i’m a conservative Christian who wants nothing to do with the modern evangelical movement. Sorry, Nate.

    i think we have long overstayed our need to be in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    i believe science confirms the existence of God, not contradicts it. I believe both sides manipulate their argument so much that it’s now an either-or proposition of believing in only one side of this issue,

    A long time ago I watched a John Stossel special on Socialism. I didn't know what it was, and I learned a lot. He explained how Hong Kong works,

    India as a socialist democracy, etc. Hint ~ it should be shown in our schools.

  3. 12 hours ago, calscuf said:

    I knew you were full of shit.  You tried tricking this bunch of horny nerds into thinking you’re some hot piece and the truth comes out that you’re 20 years removed from even the possibility of that being the case.  All credibility lost.  

    Move on gents.

    I'm not here to trick a bunch of horny assbites in an AW forum. I'm orgasmically married to a Mike Trout look-alike who doesn't like me coming here because of POS like you. But I enjoy talking to people about different subjects, so here I am. 

    And I am a hot piece, bud.....

  4. 10 minutes ago, wopphil said:

    Depends how you define racism. In my opinion, racism means you feel certain people, by virtue of their race, are inferior to you (usually in a physical or genetic sense). With that comes a dislike of such people, and perhaps poor or unequal treatment of them. That would be racism.

    But I also think racism can be something less extreme than that. Maybe believing people are culturally inferior makes one racist. Or then again, maybe that just makes us human, because we all judge other cultures (just look at the COVID thread and all the posts about what Chinese people eat). 

    I think the worst things for black people are the (1) preconceived notions many people have of them, and (2) the circumstances under which so many are raised. I am not sure either constitutes “racism.” In the case of the former, people need to be aware of their biases (which all people have, including blacks) and constantly try not to make assumptions. In the case of the latter, society must do a better job investing in poor communities. They need better schools, better jobs, better healthcare, etc. 


    You're right.  I didn't see the covid thread, but when I saw the wet markets in China, I was so pissed, I hated the Chinese people who frequented them,  and said I would never eat at Panda again. So that was a judgement I made of a culture. 

  5. 7 hours ago, Blarg said:

    I don't really think your generation and younger is the source of guilt for being assholes to black people. You started your days post race riots of the 60's and the general public talking points were about a new deal with continuing education of how hard it is to grow up black.

    Unfortunately my generation and those before mine that actually started the change were riddled with racist c*nts and still are. I have no reason to apologize for my actions. I owe an eternal debt of gratitude to a black man that extended his knowledge to teach me how to work in television. I have tried since to pay back and forward.

    But people over 60 are pretty ingrained in the Howdy Doody America of their childhood and don't want Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, gays infiltrating their own private whites only world. They also make up over half of your government from city to federal level.

    A little extinction goes a long way some times for a change in the overall ecology. Sure, there will still be some velo-racist dinosaurs running around after the boomers all croak and sink into the primordial ooze but it won't be a world over populated with T-Racists, gobbling up all the resources. 

    Saying "I'm not racist, youngster, but my generation is a bunch of asshole racists".is a big part of the problem.

    I don't know anyone who is ingrained in the 50's era. My parents weren't racist, neither were my aunts and uncles. I'm in my forties, and I don't know ANYONE who is racist. But you have your experiences, I guess.

    People in their 20's  can be just as racist as anybody. Ask BLM.

  6. 1 hour ago, mtangelsfan said:

    I joked before how I have a love hate relationship with politics, I love it and it hates me.  I think am going to alter our relationship.

    i have always enjoyed discussing politics with other folk.  I really like discussing it on here.  The problem is there are very few people interested in a discussion anymore.  Most of us surround ourselves with people who think like we do.  Nuance has been destroyed.  We aren’t listening anymore, we just start planning our next response.

    the news is now just like the rest of us.  They only worry about pleasing their current customers so they put blowhard political preachers to preach to their choir.  

    Our choices for president are a carny or a senile career politician.  

    here in my small town we just had our election.  Our incumbent state assemblyman was a Montana conservative.  Pro-gun, pro-life and was a really good person.  Involved in the community, volunteered for a bunch of things kept people informed on what was happening in Helena.  He got voted out because money from uber-conservative came in because he didn’t goose step 100% of the time with them.  They started a horrible smear campaign because he was actually interested in helping our community rather than just falling in line.  

    So I am done, I have cast my last vote for anything.  I have no hope for this country.

    You purposely left out if he was a D or R.    

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