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Ray McKigney

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Posts posted by Ray McKigney

  1. I did laugh when PSH was in a heated argument with some random dude in front of a crowded room at a party then at the end Phoenix just randomly throws a sandwich at the dude that hits him in the chest.


    Yeah, that was funny. My only real complaint about the movie was that the Amy Adams character was annoying as hell. But, maybe that was the point. Not sure, but she bugged me quite a bit. I just wanted her to shut up.

  2. I also thought his little tantrum in the jail cell was kind of impressive after reading that the toilet wasn't supposed to break. Just all the physicality in the film of him hitting people and getting hit as it was all real added a bit to his performance and the movie in general.


    And yeah, I actually thought overall, the film had a ton of comedy it. Way more than I expected it to.


    I don't think a lot people recognized the humor in it. In my opinion, the Freddie Quell character was meant to be funny in a sad, helpless sort of way. Which was why Lancaster Dodd kept him around. The scene where Freddie basically loses it and accosts the guy when he's taking his picture while working at the department store was great.

  3. Completely disagree about The Master though I could easily understand not liking if that's just not your thing. Watched it on Tuesday after picking up the Blu-Ray and it was probably my favorite film of last year. I think Daniel Day-Lewis is probably the best working today, but it's a little baffling how he was the clear cut favorite the whole time for the Oscar for Best Actor for Lincoln over Joaquin Phoenix in The Master.



    Other movies I watched recently:



    Frozen - 6/10

    Fairly enjoyable thriller that takes place almost entirely on a ski-lift. 



    Cul-de-sac - 7/10

    Not among Roman Polanski's best movies but still got some fun out of it. Starring a younger Donald Pleasance.



    Seance on a Wet Afternoon - 9/10

    Great 1960's thriller starring Richard Attenborough and Kim Stanley. 



    I agree with you about Joaquin Phoenix. He was GREAT in The Master. The movie isn't for everybody (there aren't any car chases or explosions), but I thought it was great. The scene with Joaquin Phoenix and PSH, where they do the "Processing" for the first time is incredible. I also thought it was funny that they liked to get hammered on his paint thinner concoction.

  4. I got into rock climbing last year because a business partner of mine was really into it. Most of the stuff we did was free climbing, but probably a 20ft fall at most with crash mats below. I couldn't imagine doing some crap like that. Rock climbing is hard as shit, even with the assistance....which really isn't assistance when you are up there, just safety measures.


    I'd like to see this, do you know what it's called?



    It was called 60 Minutes Sports on Showtime. The guy's name is Alex Honnold. Here's an IMDB link for the episode. It's the third segment, "Alone on the Wall." If you type his name on youtube, there are a bunch of videos about him. Crazy stuff.


    The link option on here isn't working correctly, so I hope you can click this or just copy & paste:



  5. Grilled eggplant, zuccini, roasted peppers, mushroom and asparagus. Green leaf salad with grilled apples, pears and raspberry vinagrette. Spanikopita spinach phyllo triangles. Baked brie wrapped in puff pastry stuffed with apricots. Brick oven round bread stuffed with hummus surrounded by toasted pita triangles. And an ice cold brewskie to wash it all down.

  6. The guy in that rock climbing commercial is a well-known real life climber. He's like a super hero amongst the climbing community. He's famous for not using any ropes, ties, hooks - nothing. I think they call it free climbing. I saw a 60 minutes segment about him. The dude is f*cking INSANE. He climbs places, without any safety equipment, that most expereinces climbers won't attempt with all their safety gear.

  7. I remember the show, and Bonnie's performance. Had not seen or heard anything about her in recent years. Pancreatic cancer is a rough way to go. It is pretty much over by the time it is detected, because its symptoms mimic several less-serious problems.


    RIP Bonnie.


    Yep. That's how my Grandpa died. All went down within a month and a half.

  8. Saved me a look. What a crock. Arguably the greatest front man ever.


    I think he is the greatest front man ever. He had stage presence, an incredible voice, was a talented multi-instrumentalist and he was a gifted songwriter. I can't think of anybody else that even comes close.

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