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Status Updates posted by VanderTweets

  1. RT @Redistrict: Donald Trump is the 1st GOPer since 1936 to lose Orange County, CA -- and now he's losing there by 100k votes: https://t.co…

  2. RT @ChrisWarcraft: Daily reminder: Fascism doesn't start with camps. It starts with taking away your voice.

  3. RT @GeorgeTakei: Trump: It's rigged! Clinton: No it isn't. Trump: Definitely rigged! Clinton: Okay, let's audit. Trump: They're trying to s…

  4. RT @AstroKatie: Quick reminder to Electoral College: voting against Trump is infinitely less in conflict with constitution than a Trump pre…

  5. RT @ASFried: He paid $25 million to settle a major fraud case and lost the popular vote by well over 2 million votes. https://t.co/85k6hYGg…

  6. I have to say, the "live music" effect at the Macy's parade is kind of marred by the loud hiss of the "live" playback...

  7. RT @TheDailyEdge: Are you allowed to impeach a President-elect for soliciting foreign bribes, stealing from his own charity, and gross inco…

  8. Doesn't it seem like Presidential Election vote totals should always be double-checked and verified? https://t.co/fJEcuHdz4W

  9. RT @alyankovic: Say what you will about me - did YOU get a Christmas card every year from Robert Goulet? No. You did not. #hoarders https:/…

  10. @JasonMBrennan @JeffPassan 2012, I'm at a game with my Dad, Trout does something amazing. Dad turns to me and says "that's Mickey Mantle."

  11. RT @pattonoswalt: Still out there, putting in time and doing the work. Imagine Trump doing ANYTHING like this if he'd lost. https://t.co/y9…

  12. @RLC427 Makes sense

  13. RT @Evan_McMullin: Saying "stop it" to racist attacks means little when you name white supremacist darling Steve Bannon chief strategist in…

  14. Bravo #WestworldHBO , I did not see that coming tonight. Nice twist.

  15. RT @ditzkoff: The final two minutes of that Dave Chappelle routine. Wow. https://t.co/gxuNn9Pirk

  16. RT @DannyZuker: "Get over it already Zuker!" tweeted a guy who STILL wants to lock up Clinton after years of countless hearings acquitted h…

  17. RT @natssfatss: My English teacher put this on her door today.. https://t.co/ZYGiPtgiCJ

  18. Okay, when the Trump supporter started to cry and hugged the Clinton supporter on @FullFrontalSamB tonight, I cried. That was moving.

  19. RT @AllieGoertz: I don't like the electoral college https://t.co/1jwIPhOSpz

  20. RT @KenTremendous: The people responsible for this are garbage people. https://t.co/2CPoKLefMa

  21. RT @joshtpm: So almost all the Huma emails were duplicates of ones already reviewed. No limit to how great a travesty this was.

  22. RT @pattymo: There was literally a Civil War https://t.co/AU5p6hu60O

  23. @JabronieRamone @JuddApatow I would like this tweet, but you reminded me of how awful Natalie Portman was in SW.

  24. Odds on a 2017 contract with the #Angels? Seems like just the kind of guy Scioscia would want to add. https://t.co/HEpSkmBNdf

  25. @KarenKilgariff He is just the best.

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