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Status Updates posted by VanderTweets

  1. @keithlaw Look... Trout's batting 2nd! https://t.co/kB94Wkn1jX

  2. The #Angels losing streak is over! https://t.co/dpm3guiSWc

  3. @iBlogBetter He is incapable of tweeting about any subject that isn't 100% about himself. That's how sociopaths work.

  4. Had a mishap today while trimming the mustache, so I had to go back… https://t.co/ODwf6QCsLI

  5. 2017 #Angels baseball! Week one- WTG!! Week two- WTF!!

  6. RT @randomsubu: "Hillary is worse than Trump." - @DrJillStein and a few million "Green" Lefties. https://t.co/vGxf3DOqiB

  7. Looks like Nolasco is well on his way to maintaining the "no starter can go 6 innings" streak. #Angels

  8. Morning commute. @ Disneyland https://t.co/IdSK2nMR6r

  9. RT @ChelseaClinton: Heartbreaking. We cannot be desensitized to gun violence, a child's death or the all too common collision of the two in…

  10. RT @wilw: My three stars of the game: 3. Bob Miller 2. Bob Miller 1. Bob Miller #LAKvsANA #ThankYouBob

  11. @xochi44 Turn around and look up a bit

  12. #Angels win the home opener! #LTBU https://t.co/7ChOfRQXYr

  13. Here we go... https://t.co/Yt21On8HOM

  14. The #Angels have won more games than they have lost. https://t.co/zI6wfDyzpY

  15. Whew-- the #Angels will not go 0-162. #LTBU https://t.co/Z8DuqXJx0D

  16. So you mean to tell me that the #Angels lost on opening night? https://t.co/t1gQ20NFSW

  17. Fernando Rodney in mid season form...

  18. In my office for this evening. Look at that sky... @ Heroes Park https://t.co/j390wUlzqf

  19. @BillCorbett Happy birthday Bill!! Thanks for making me and my family laugh so much!

  20. RT @PoliticalLine: Gallup Nixon Watergate Hearings - 36% W Bush post Katrina - 40% Iran Contra Reagan - 46% Ford pardons Nixon - 50% Trum…

  21. RT @tedlieu: Let's be clear: Attorney General Jeff Sessions is an illegitimate AG. He lied under oath to Congress to get confirmed. He shou…

  22. Hey #Angels - ya know how you never seem to have enough pitching depth.... https://t.co/iJHKNCJ1ZF

  23. @greggweiss Hard to say now, since I originally tweeted this Bedrosian has pitched well. But Scioscia loves his veteran players...

  24. RT @JuddLegum: Trump has done everything possible to repeal Obamacare including 5 visits to Mar-a-lago, 9 trips to the golf course & sittin…

  25. RT @jvoflf: Mimi Walters will vote for the AHCA. I will never vote for Mimi Walters. #ACA

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