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Status Updates posted by VanderTweets

  1. "Beauty and the Beast" was outstanding. I highly recommend it.

  2. The Elantra is no more. Long live the Kia Sportage (and my first new… https://t.co/9bIFJ6j8oI

  3. RT @RachelleLefevre: https://t.co/aOeXMhHKHM

  4. Uh oh, Trump may try to kick Hawaii out of the country now...

  5. RT @teenagesleuth: Obama's microwave ovens are cameras, Hillary runs a child sex ring out of a pizzeria but somehow global warming is the r…

  6. RT @IorettaIynch: FYI- Mike Flynn lied. No consequence Mike Pence lied. No consequence Jeff Sessions lied. No consequence Donald Trump lie…

  7. GottDAMN, the Kings played a great game tonight. Beating the Caps is no small feat. #GoKingsGo

  8. RT @sarahcolonna: She was addressing the UN on ISIS. SHE WAS NOT SHOWING OFF A FUCKING BABY BUMP. https://t.co/nkctwGt4KP


  10. The words "President Trump" still give me a physical reaction (not a good one) https://t.co/XhCH2ri39C

  11. Well this is nice. I wonder who tweeted it for him? https://t.co/uKdPlaqrNk

  12. RT @SamuelLJackson: OK!! Ben Carson....I can't! Immigrants ? In the bottom of SLAVE SHIPS??!! MUTHAFUKKA PLEASE!!!#dickheadedtom

  13. RT @jonfavs: Barack Obama's master plan: 1) Wiretap the opposition 2) Gather damaging info 3) Say nothing 4) Let him win 5) Ride off int…

  14. Here's how to spend an evening (glass of 15-year-old Irish whiskey… https://t.co/PUPT7dmFnY

  15. Los Angeles Goal!! Tie game!!! Pearson has been showing up on the scoresheet more often of late. #GoKingsGo

  16. RT @laurenduca: Read this off a goddamn teleprompter https://t.co/WqgqBD8ZFR

  17. RT @WordsOfQuipdom: A quick reminder that the people applauding for a reduction in violence did absolutely nothing after a school full of c…

  18. ...as it should. They have one job, and they failed in spectacular fashion. https://t.co/sURJNge9Dk

  19. RT @mikepolkjr: Oh boy. Looks like the outraged La La Land fans are starting to riot. Stay safe out there folks. #Oscars https://t.co/cNOqv…

  20. RT @billyeichner: HAHAHAHA WHAT A SNOWFLAKE https://t.co/8HGUEAzHSR

  21. RT @DLin71: Transgender people arrested for lewdness in bathrooms: ZERO Number of times Trump entered Miss Teen USA dressing room unannoun…

  22. Read this thread. Thank you so much for sharing, Rhea, and I'm so sorry that you are ever made to feel this way. https://t.co/hW1qQGuzE9

  23. RT @ddale8: Man in charge of the bin Laden raid: https://t.co/iSCyqq7BUY

  24. I just backed RiffTrax Live '17: Samurai Cop, Beach Party & Mystery Title! on @Kickstarter https://t.co/5wXCSPkhBy

  25. Representing the hated visitors (along with about half the crowd).… https://t.co/Ti2HxcgWON

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