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Status Updates posted by VanderTweets

  1. @samnotscott @starwars tycoons, houses on the left, Fridays... our resources are disappearing.

  2. RT @ananavarro: #WomensMarch, an organic, citizen-led effort started by a Hawaii mom on Facebook, brings out more ppl than $100 MM Trump In…

  3. Guys, it's easy. If Twitter forces you this follow @potus, @flotus, and @vp... just block them. That's what I did!

  4. RT @JoyAnnReid: I think you mean "historic," madame Education Secretary. https://t.co/UVutz75k9o

  5. RT @ABFalecbaldwin: Trump stopped at nothing to become President. After tomorrow, he will regret that more than any decision he has made.

  6. Wishing them the best, but I imagine their souls would feel all right if they left this shitshow before Friday. https://t.co/ymNNq5DVeg

  7. RT @snowdenlit: It turns out that when you try to kill people, they get upset. https://t.co/9kH0MaHdpq

  8. It's amazing because he simply can't bring himself to just not watch. His mind compels him to respond. An insane pe… https://t.co/ePQU1rTkcX

  9. Evicting the WH press corps, heading over to see Putin... congrats, Drumpf: you are making our nation a joke already.

  10. RT @oohgaryc: Did the artist from Lionel Richie's Hello video make the Emma Watson Belle doll? https://t.co/9nNSxVeY8t

  11. I think the thing we all need to stop and think about is that there was actually a British Secret Service agent nam… https://t.co/J2mCXzYuz2

  12. @MattMira Probably best not to dwell on your sports team's ownership too long, you know they probably support him b/c of lower taxes...

  13. @MLBONFOX @baseballhall I wonder if Mike Trout knows he has actually won three AL MVP awards, as the article states. Fact checking is hard.

  14. No two ways about it tonight, @LAKings -- that one was a stinker. Should've had a win.

  15. RT @wilw: The Stupidsphere gets very upset at me when I observe that there is a mass shooting nearly every day in America. The shooting's o…

  16. RT @TheRickyDavila: I'm in disbelief. This is scary. All must see. #maddow #Resist https://t.co/lJlGBvMPqO

  17. RT @jonfavs: 65.8 million voted for Hillary. 62.9 million voted for Trump. 54% of all voters rejected Trump. That's most Americans. Math…

  18. Just checked the score... uhh, Kings? #GoKingsGo

  19. @thefredsavage How did I not know about The Godfather Notebook?

  20. LOS ANGELES GOAL! Jeff Carter making things happen, and Tanner Pearson when you need him. Beauty. #GoKingsGo

  21. RT @igorvolsky: House Republicans held a secret vote during a secret meeting on a national holiday in order to eliminate their independent…

  22. RT @summerbrennan: Breaking news: woman is 69, checks email while not smiling. https://t.co/JjvE41tTZe

  23. @VanderTweets Oh for god's sake, now she's throwing her bare feet into the camera. It's like a train wreck I can't stop watching.

  24. @WhoIsAmyYoung No, not liquid center. My wife DeeDee reminds me it was about Bubble Tape, which is a HB product.

  25. Great job on @Jeopardy tonight, Mukund! I'll see you tomorrow...

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