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Status Updates posted by VanderTweets

  1. RT @neeratanden: He's really self aware isn't he? #interruption king https://t.co/d0vEQ4t2VY

  2. @keithlaw Remember in "league of the own" when Thom Hankford said you can't cry in sportsball? Good stuff.

  3. @jvoflf Wow... that's quite a whooping.

  4. RT @Sonikku_a: Rare image of a shark stepping on a Lego. https://t.co/xkadJmPkRg

  5. RT @BrendanNyhan: I will say it again: If Bill Mitchell didn't exist, people who teach stats & surveys would have to invent him. Approachin…

  6. RT @pattonoswalt: Trump lost tonight. Spin it all you want. Spin it into cotton candy if it makes you happy. Trump. Lost. #Debates2016

  7. Amongst all this snark, just a quick reminder that Hillary Clinton is perhaps the most qualified presidential candidate ever. #ImWithHer

  8. "making a point" The point that Trump is a despicable misogynist? Thanks guys, but I think we all already knew th… https://t.co/XR6paS723I

  9. RT @Nick_Offerman: Common Sense Fever......................... ..............................CATCH IT

  10. Boy I hate getting my car serviced. Takes forever and costs money I don't have.

  11. RT @GavinNewsom: It's now September 22nd, and we haven't seen anything from you. Where are your tax returns, @realDonaldTrump? What are you…

  12. RT @Josh_Friedman: You want to know how many people would go back and time and stop Hitler? Want to know if you would? Nov 8th is as close…

  13. Hey look, more scandal that could actually be important. Be sure to ignore it, everyone! https://t.co/523M0yKYsw

  14. RT @Ken_Rosenthal: I know it’s asking a lot, but you guys might want to read the AL MVP column, and then comment some more! https://t.co/wv…

  15. RT @tonyschwartz: What Trump would do in face of terror in US: react too fast & ignorantly to prove his toughness. We are all at risk. We w…

  16. ...and then Ortega works a walk. Can't predict ball. #Angels

  17. @JasonMBrennan By the way, hats off to you: the first thing I thought when I posted this was "Alex Trebek?"

  18. Psycho is overrated and Vertigo's plot is too over the top? Good lord, man... https://t.co/FxCUMo7Oty

  19. RT @DLin71: CHILD: What are Trump’s ideas? ME: Remember how the Joker changed the explanation of his scars so often that you assumed he wa…

  20. @BillCorbett At least he accurately identified Hitler as a "stinker"...

  21. I see Kid Rock has weighed in on the Colin Kaepernick issue. Stay tuned to this feed for more sentences I never thought I'd write!

  22. Did you watch @SonOfZorn? It's weird and awesome. We need to watch shows like this because they are fantastically creative.

  23. Uhh...that's an odd way to celebrate Star Trek (I don't even remember the Stanford rapist appearing on the show. https://t.co/K6SwblhXWV

  24. People always talk about "The Dark Knight", but "Batman Begins" might be the best of the Nolan trilogy. #HotTake

  25. @VladGuerrero27 @Angels @AngelsBeisbol We miss you too Vladdy!

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