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Status Updates posted by VanderTweets

  1. RT @OriginalFunko: RT & follow @OriginalFunko for the chance to win a Superman box from @FunkoDCLegion! https://t.co/p5DFtyRYYu https://t.c…

  2. LOL this is right out of the "how to troll" textbook.

  3. RT @NormOrnstein: When the history of this dark period is written, Jason Chaffetz will go down as one of the real villains

  4. Yeah, this seems like yet another reason for disqualification from the Presidency. https://t.co/wZS3mgElVO

  5. RT @timothycsimons: It is kinda funny that the GOP is ignoring Russian leverage on the president because they think too many people have he…

  6. So do you think Billy Eppler texts Scott Boras daily now, saying "is Wieters ready for that 1-yr deal?" #Angels

  7. Oh, well gee... if the KREMLIN says it never happened, who are we to question the Kremlin?

  8. RT @yashar: Richard Nixon's White House Counsel https://t.co/tZvd28wwv6

  9. Ya know, because why wouldn't you consider the job description BEFORE YOU RAN... https://t.co/qpxTjvGYNo

  10. RT @MikeDrucker: The courts. https://t.co/fDzgaYw7t1

  11. Huh? https://t.co/EPkrbIuknS

  12. RT @pronounced_ing: "Sure, Jeffrey Dahmer ate many people, but there are also many people he didn't eat." https://t.co/IR6W4MCVLV

  13. RT @Rschooley: Trump made big deal about not taking his $400,000 annual salary, or around what it costs taxpayers per day that Melania stay…

  14. This is fantastic. She is so brilliant. https://t.co/snpYynx3Ps

  15. @iBlogBetter It does mean that, what people fail to realize is that there are still consequences.

  16. RT @MykaFox: RT if you're an intellectual snob who knows who Frederick Douglass is. https://t.co/YO5Hu2RBkJ

  17. RT @mattdpearce: we must invade Mexico to create a buffer between the homeland and the Australian menace

  18. RT @Filmdrunk: I can't believe we live in a world where a person can say these things (and I checked, he did) without irony ONE YEAR APART.…

  19. RT @joshgondelman: Off to sleep. Can't wait to wake up tomorrow to find that friendship is illegal and we're at war with the sun.

  20. RT @rachie_claire: I have a list of every friend who told me Hillary was just as bad as Trump and I read the list to myself every night lik…

  21. I couldn't get through describing this to my boys without crying. This is beautiful.

  22. Delightful is right. Oh man, what a laugh my boys and I just had. https://t.co/KdIACtkscz

  23. RT @keithlaw: This should be predicated on the complete elimination of Chief Wahoo. https://t.co/doIoNZEDUV

  24. RT @perlmutations: Thus far everything POTUS has done has been reactionary. Zero originality. Zero vision. Ruling by revenge, like every bu…

  25. I'm a pretty big fan of this signing. LH power, steady glove, positional flexibility. Money well spent IMO. https://t.co/RWqoXkcw0F

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