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Everything posted by samwum

  1. Maybe I'm coldhearted but I say who cares. I'm sure Jordyn Adams would rather come up and suck than have to repeat AAA. Let him fail and let him decide if he can mentally handle it.
  2. In 2021 and 2022 Jose Suarez had a sub 4.00 ERA and was good. He threw a fastball, curveball, and changeup -- nothing else. In 2023 and 2024 Jose Suarez has been an abomination of a pitcher. He has been throwing a fastball, slider, cutter, and changeup -- no curveball. Maybe someone can pass this along to someone within the organization?
  3. I posted on this topic earlier in the thread. I mean that's a little disingenuous, lol. Lagares played in an astronomical 112 games in 2021 for -0.5 WAR after he was picked up by the Angels midseason. No other team offered him even a minor league deal that offseason and he wasn't actively playing professional baseball at the time they signed him. And then after he stunk it up in '21, they brought him back for '22 where he continued to stink it up until Perry finally put him out of his misery. But sure, the whole team stunk anyways so who cares, I get it.
  4. That's crazy. How do I put this delicately. Adrianza is not a real person. He is a figment of Wash's imagination. He is a ghost fielder. He is not an actual batter. His best at bats come when he actually doesn't swing, in the form of a walk or HBP. Neto is better than Adrianza, Adrianza is very bad, and Adrianza is a switch hitter who is bad but slightly less bad against lefties. Adrianza was left in because Wash didn't want to pinch hit in the middle of the count after the bunt was called off. He wasn't up there swinging by design, lol.
  5. Same bullshit that kept Lagares, etc here. Delusion by front office about value of non-performing veterans. Good for the clubhouse or whatever. "Reliable" or "strong defensively" and all the crap.
  6. Jo becoming a "he's stealing and you know it but can't stop him" type of guy is so sick.
  7. We have officially reached the point where closers are pitching around Jo Adell. What a sight to see.
  8. The point is moreso about lucking into a situation where there is a surplus of OFs and they could consider replacing expensive production with cheaper production, re-allocating payroll to another area of the team, and adding prospects to the system. Not advocating for trading Ward. Probably the least likely outcome I mentioned, but would be a "good problem to have" type of thing.
  9. This is the big one for me. The depth and fringe players do not reflect a team that is actually committed to being better in the future. Aaron Hicks, Ehire Adrianza, Hunter Strickland, Carson Fulmer, Jose Cisnero... these guys don't have any future with the team or trade value. A team that is properly building towards the future would be using these roster spots to develop younger players who might make an impact. There are several positive outcomes from giving a younger player Hicks' ABs, for example. You give yourself a chance at finding a backup OF for next year and beyond You give yourself a chance at finding a player who could fill in for injuries You give yourself a chance at finding a player who could take a starting spot if Adell or Moniak bust You give yourself a chance at finding a player who could make Taylor Ward trade-able as he starts getting significant money in arbitration Any of these potential positive outcomes would be beneficial for the club moving forwards, while sacrificing no downside. If the younger player shows no improvement and doesn't become part of the club's plans moving forwards, its the same exact result as rostering Hicks. With the way the Angels have constructed the bottom end of the roster to have zero upside -- to me that says they haven't made a choice to rebuild, or they're just so cocky they think they can rebuild inefficiently and still get the job done.
  10. Underlyings are strong too. .217 BABIP shows he will likely regress a bit, but the FIP and SIERA are still quality.
  11. Yeah that's fair, I say yes too but that one could go either way.
  12. Well obviously. Is that up for debate? IIRC Rengifo was also available and ended up hitting for Neto who also would have been more ideal than Adrianza. I think the only question is if you want to pinch hit during an 0-1 count.
  13. One side with numbers from 2010-2015 which said they were right. One side with numbers from like 1940 to present which said they were right. Everyone was wrong, Ehire Adrianza is an automatic out and none of the probabilities would have mattered.
  14. Yep, built no depth and destroyed some in the process too. All those ABs wasted on Velazquez. David Fletcher, Jeremiah Jackson, Livan Soto all shipped off for nothing back. Now Paris repeats AA while yet another loser gets ABs. Could have chosen between 4 different guys to try to develop into a quality major leaguer. Went with temporary negative WAR journeymen instead.
  15. I can only imagine Moore's reaction to that Henderson bomb must have been similar to his reaction when his agent called him, sharing the news that his top free agent offer is from the team that DFA'd him with a month left in the season for non-performance related reasons, leading him to play for 3 teams in the span of 6 weeks.
  16. I love reading these and not being on a side. If anyone wants to talk about how Adrianza shouldn't be on the roster or on the field in the first place, feel free to tap me in WWE style.
  17. In physical pain imagining if we could have had this version of Adell with Ohtani.
  18. Nice to see Canning getting back into form. With a 3.26 FIP in the 2nd half last year, I do believe he has potential to be a #2 or #3 SP for a playoff team.
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