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Everything posted by fan_since79

  1. So, Obama will decide in the "days ahead" what military options to choose in defending Iraq. That may be too late at the rate this is going.
  2. Two birdies through five holes. -5 for the day so far. He's cruising.
  3. Well, I was going to reference Santa Ana, but thought that nobody would read it.
  4. And right after I posted, Fran Quinn double bogeyed.
  5. I'm touched by the depth of compassion exhibited here.
  6. I'm pulling for Fran Quinn. He's 49 years old and doesn't have full status on any major tour. He got a spot through local and sectional qualifying. His son is his caddie. He shot a 68 yesterday. http://www.pgatour.com/news/2014/06/13/fran-quinn-us-open.html “It was a dream start,” Quinn said while holding a Diet Coke on the interview podium. “It was everything that I could want and more. I’m 49 years old, it’s Father’s Day weekend, I have my boy on the bag. My dad (Fran Sr.) passed away two years ago, and I know he’s looking down today. And it’s just a tremendous feeling.”
  7. Kaymer leads by six now. He could easily widen that on the back nine. This thing could be over by this afternoon. Big battle for second though.
  8. The Mayo Clinic does. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hoarding-disorder/basics/definition/con-20031337
  9. Woman found dead in her backyard with a kitten in her lap. She was a hoarder, and her house was so filled with stuff that she lived in a truck on her property. Lots of feral cats called her place home. Earlier in her life, she was a highly regarded high school history teacher. Hoarding like this is a serious mental illness. http://www.ocregister.com/articles/woman-617857-large-home.html
  10. A 71-year old Han Solo is hard to fathom. I remember seeing the first Star Wars movie in 1977 on the very day it opened, in Westwood. The years pass quickly.
  11. A hydraulic door fell on him. Chest and ankle injuries, not life-threatening. He was airlifted to a hospital. http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/harrison-ford-accident-live-latest-3682800
  12. So if he's hitting in the 100's a couple years from now, you still play him night after night? According to your 'logic', he has to play.
  13. “The world is less violent than it has ever been. It is healthier than it has ever been. It is more tolerant than it has ever been. It is better fed than it’s ever been. It is more educated than it’s ever been.” Barack Obama June 11, 2014
  14. The least "repercussion" should be moving him out of the 3-spot, reserved for the best hitters. That is mind-boggling to me, keeping him and his anemic bat there.
  15. That's right. Their leader is so extreme, al-Qaeda broke ties with him. He was in our custody four years ago and we let him go. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iraq/10891700/Iraq-crisis-the-jihadist-behind-the-takeover-of-Mosul-and-how-America-let-him-go.html
  16. He'll really have trouble in 2019 when the new manager moves him out of the 3-spot. That will be one heck of an adjustment period.
  17. The U.S. government has issued a travel warning to Iraq: http://iraq.usembassy.gov/ta-06112014.html And I really wanted to see Baghdad in the summertime...
  18. The entity that is rapidly taking over Iraq is called ISIS (The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). They are 100% al-Qaeda of the worst kind. Reports from the British press are painting an apocalyptic picture. At least 500,000 refugees are desperately trying to escape the attackers, who are reportedly massacring people (especially Christians) as they march inexorably towards Baghdad. The Iraqi army is basically AWOL, and now thousands of civilians are forming militia groups to defend their country. It's unbelievable how quickly things are falling apart. The U.S. and Britain are standing by doing nothing.
  19. Well, there was that little island of Grenada. And Libya didn't give us any trouble for years after Reagan bombed it.
  20. The post-WW2 occupation and rebuilding of Germany and Japan were success stories. Other than that, I can't think of any.
  21. Nobody on this team ever gets reprimanded. He'll be in the 3-spot night after night for the next four-and-a-half years, until Scioscia is finally shown the door.
  22. The Kurds have gotten into the act too. They've taken back Kirkuk, as the Iraqi army has abandoned it.
  23. You're not serious, are you? Or am I missing the sarcasm here? The people of Iraq will now be under the control of al-Qaeda. That's hardly a "great" situation.
  24. This is a nice, safe outing for Johnson, their former closer.
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