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Posts posted by OregonLAA

  1. If you want to also include last season, then Bourjos should now be in AAA. You really can't use a slump late last year since it's not the same as the beginning of a season. Players tend to get tired toward the end of a long season and get into a bad rhythm. Trumbo has had all season to reset his timing and gain his energy. Using the beginning of a season is a great way to get a player back on track.


    I'm also a Bourjos fan, but can't fault Sosh for playing Trumbo.... for now.  

    I want Trumbo to get his swing back. This lineup would be unstoppable if he hit like he did st the beginning of last year. I would have just liked to see Bourjos get into one game. Trout and Trumbo both had some miscues out there and Blanton is a fly ball pitcher (home run pitcher as Santana would say)

  2. This isn't a fire Scioscia thread, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's what it turns into

    Anyways... Dipoto had a plan this offseason. This plan was based around defense, especially outfield defense. He clearly wanted to use Bourjos in center after letting Hunter go and trading Wells right before the season started. Most of our pitchers are fly ball pitchers who would benefit from Bourjos and Trout in the same outfield. Trumbo doesn't look like he knows what he is doing at the plate right now yet Scioscia didn't manage to get Bourjos in the starting lineup even once. I know this is was a series without a DH, but what if this continues? What if Scioscia keeps managing to leave Bourjos out of the lineup? Would Dipoto make sure Scioscia was canned? It's a lot of speculation and Scioscia sometimes gets it right when he sticks with guys

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